Author Archives: felicia.kucharski

Journals 1-4

J1- Make a list of at least 3 things you rely on when faced with a challenge. (Skills, character traits, people, etc.)J2- Describe an alternate reality you would find interesting.J3- Have you ever met someone truly extraordinary? Describe them. (If … Continue reading

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Health Triangle Extention Activity

Health Triangle Extension ActivityThis is an optional extra credit activity. Due April 25th

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Health Journals 1-5

HJ1- List 3 short-term and 3 long-term effects of alcohol.HJ2- Define and describe FAS.HJ3-Are drugs good or bad. Explain your stance.HJ4- What is the difference between drugs and medicine? Give 3 examples of each.HJ5- Explain the difference between drug misuse … Continue reading

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Health Journals 1-5

HJ1- Have the dynamics or definition of what makes a family changed over time? How?HJ2- Discuss a recent disagreement in which you applied the Win-Win Negotiation tactic.HJ3- What are some characteristics of a healthy and functional family?HJ4- Discuss how many … Continue reading

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“Wrinkle” Vocab 1

Assimilate- incorporate. Integrate new knowledge (or person) with what is already in place.Avid- eager or enthusiastic about something.Dilapidated- run down, ruined or decay; result of neglect.Frivoling- to spend or waste something in a foolish, or frivolous, way.Gamboled- to leap or … Continue reading

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Your Health Triangle

Here is the health triangle power-point for those that need it:_Your_Health_Triangle ppt

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Six Traits: Types of Sentences

In this packet, go to the Compound-Complex Sentences Exercises and, starting backwards (#4-#1) do an exercise for every day missed. (One exercise equals the whole page!)  Example- if you missed 1 day, you would do #4, if you missed 2 … Continue reading

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How to Write a Column PPT

How to Write a Column

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Spelling 11

 Group AMalfunctionDetourMetaphorDisadvantageDecompose Group B6. Malevolent7. Dissatisfaction8. Metamorphosis9. Distort10. Decanter Group C11. Metabolism12. Dissolve13. Decline14. Maladjusted15. Dispute Group D16. Descendant17. Malice18. Deception19. Deplete20. Deceased

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Journals 17-21

HJ17- List 3 reasons teenagers start smoking.HJ18- List 5 things you learned about tobacco that you didn’t know.HJ19- List 1 effect of tobacco on each body system you researched. 4 totalHJ20- List 5 ways to say “no” to tobacco.HJ21- Why … Continue reading

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