Author Archives: felicia.kucharski

Journals 12-16

J12- Free WriteJ13- Describe a time you outsmarted or “outfoxed” someone. J14- Write about a day in the life of a misfit.J15- Write and inner dialogue of an icicle in the springtime. Show the emotional journey that it surely experiences!J16- … Continue reading

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Journals 11-16

J11- Eye for an Eye: agree or disagree? Why?J12- Compare/contrast yourself with Harriet Tubman. What traits do you have in common? How do you differ?J13- Write the 3 similes on p. 129 in Harriet Tubman. Then write three of your … Continue reading

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Journalism Agenda 2-26-14

1. Find your own article for A14- again, make sure that it is a feature article. Summarize and respond to it in your article journal.2. Finish/continue on with research for your feature article. Make sure to create interview questions if … Continue reading

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Sample DWA Responses

Go to these DWA responses:DWA_Responses_9 Read through them. You will analyze three of them in a one paragraph response. One paragraph EACH.Pick… 1. lower-scoring 2. middle-scoring3. high-scoring …to analyze. Discuss the things that hindered (weaknesses), and helped (strengths), the score … Continue reading

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J6- Write 3 similes and 3 metaphors.J7- Free WriteJ8- Discuss the best part of the novel so far.J9- Describe Harriet to someone who has never heard of her.J10- Is Harriet Tubman a hero? Discuss why or why not.

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Feature Article Criteria

1. 4 pages, 11 pt. default font, 1.5 spacing 2. Must contain quotes from at least two different sources. Here is a link to a website that you can visit to review how to use quotations correctly: Quotations 3. Must be properly … Continue reading

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Spelling 9

Group Aabhorabstainaffirmativeannouncementannul Group Babolishabsolveaffiliateannotate10. antibiotic Group C11. absurd12. affable13. aggravate14. annihilate15. antihistamine Honors~16. abstract17. affluent18. aggressive19. annex20. antisocial

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Utah Write: Elaboration in Essays/Punctuation

Go to Utah Write: Here are the assignments for the lessons: (To be written on a separate piece of paper.) Utah Write: Elaboration in Essays         Lessons: Advanced: Elaboration in EssaysWrite a 1-2 sentence summary on what you learned for … Continue reading

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Utah Write: Conventions/Sentences

Go to Utah Write: Here are the assignments for the lessons: (To be written on a separate piece of paper.) Utah Write: Conventions         Lesson: Intermediate: ConventionsCapitalization: write all the rules for capitalization.Quotation Marks: Write all the rules for quotation … Continue reading

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