Author Archives: felicia.kucharski


HJ6- List 5 health concerns at school.HJ7- How does our society address health issues.HJ8- In advertising, what grabs your attention? Have you ever seen a health claim that is too good to be true?HJ9- How might your friends describe your … Continue reading

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J7-Write about the earliest memory you have.J8- Describe someone you admire. J9- List the top 10 foods you could eat the rest of your life.J10- Write about the songs on your playlist? J11- Discuss a horrific style trend.

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6 nutrients powerpoint


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Feature Stories

Here is the power-point to brush up on feature articles:Feature ArticlesHere is the list of feature article topics that we brainstormed:Ideas for Feature ArticlesOnce you’ve gone over both of these you must choose a topic that you want to write your … Continue reading

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Journalism Agenda 2-13-14

1. Journal: A10 Find own and summarize/respond.2.Go to the link below and read the feature profile on Shirley Temple: pull up the review sheet that we worked from on Tuesday. Can access it here:…and answer all 12 questions on … Continue reading

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Profile Feature Peer Review Worksheet

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Harriet Tubman Vocab 2

 Incentive- something that encourages somebody to action. Motivation.Contraband- illegal imports and exports; illegal trade.Inauspicious- promising failure or bad luck; discouraging.Adornment- embellishment, decoration. To enhance.Inscription– writing, dedication.Peddling- to sell goods; sometimes illegal things.Destitute– penniless; lacking necessities of life.Overseer– a person who … Continue reading

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Six Traits: Ideas

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Harriet Tubman Vocab 1

Abolitionist- a person in favor of abolishing (getting rid of) slavery.Derogatory – negative; condescendingSlavery- a system based on enslaved labor; the state of being owned or dominated.Terrain – a piece of land or geographical areaUnderground railroad- A secret network of … Continue reading

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Journals 1-5

HJ1- List 5 things you do on a regular basis to stay healthy.HJ2- Compare major causes of death today with the major causes of death in the past. 1 paragraphHJ3- Describe how family members can influence one’s health.HJ4- Of the … Continue reading

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