Author Archives: felicia.kucharski

3 Poem Group Activity

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Spelling 20

Spelling 20- 9th grade Acceptable Changeable Dormitory Guidance Maturity Phase Religious Temperature Characteristic Tendency Accidentally Accommodation Chemistry Earnest Easily Honors~ Accompaniment Accustomed Circumstance Gymnasium Merchandise

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Spelling 21

Spelling 21- 7th grade Stereo Typical Psychic Logical Technical Archives Paternal Genesis Hydrant Phobia Stereotype Stereotypical Psychology Technology Architect Honors~ Archeology Patriarch Genealogy Hydrophobia Acrophobia

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Spelling 17

Spelling 17- 8th grade Anarchy Imprudent Impersonate Incognito Negligent Anesthesia Immobilize Impatiently Indecisive Negative Anemia Immaculate Inaccurate Invalid Nonchalant Honors~ Anonymous Impromptu Neglect Nonexistent Inactive

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Journals 27-29

J27- Respond to quote: “Those who are the hardest to love… need it the most.” -Socrates J28- Write about your day using at least 1 concrete, 1 common, 1 proper, and 1 abstract noun. J29- Free write

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Journals 11-14

J11- Respond to quote: “Those who are hardest to love… need it the most.” -Socrates J12- Is there a character trait of Harriet Tubman’s that you wished you possessed? Why? J13- Discuss an issue/event related to slavery or civil rights … Continue reading

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Journals 26-29

J26- Free write J27- Do you have a memory that puts you in a somber mood? J28- What do you do that helps you through sad times? J29- Is there a “cure” for unhappiness?

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Journals 29-33

J29- Respond to quote:  “Those who are hardest to love, need it the most.” -Socrates J30- Tell about a time that the weather ruined your day. Use figurative language. J31- Create a list of “rules” one might need in order … Continue reading

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Journals 8-10

J8- Write about your day using 5 transitions and 5 unique words. J9- Summarize a scene that stood out to you in some way from chapters 17-19 in Harriet Tubman. J10- Free Write

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Journals 21-25

J21- Can we be alone, but not lonely? J22- Is it possible to be in a room full of people, but feel alone? J23- Free Write J24- What is your favorite theme/genre to read? J25- In “Spring Harvest…” and “Eating … Continue reading

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