Author Archives: felicia.kucharski

Spelling 18

Spelling 18-9th grade Absorption Absence Bulletin Calendar Distinction Distinguished Magnificence Maintenance Permanent Conceivable Reference Referring Syllable Unanimous Tyranny Honors~ 16.   Ventriloquist 17.   Tournament 18.   Exhaustion 19.   Cordially 20.   Controversial

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Journals 20-21

J20- Why is Rose of Sharon’s feeding the starving man an appropriate and significant ending to this novel? J21- What is th irony or significance of the rain at the end of the novel? Symbolism of it?

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Journals 20-23

J20- Write about the visual (dead flowers). What do they make you think about? What comes to your mind when you see them? J21- Write about the worst thing that could happen on your way to school. J22- If you … Continue reading

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Journals 15-19

J15- Are all humans connected in a raw, fundamental way? …despite our differences. How? J16- What is “home” to you? J17- Is all worldly pleasure a sin, as John Casey believes it to be? J18- Discuss the theme of ‘anger’ … Continue reading

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Spelling 17

Spelling 17- 9th grade Fundamentally Gasoline Merit Pertain Rehearsal Technique Vacant Vacancy Missile Hygiene etiquette criticize principal principle exercise   Honors~ consistent consistency primitive laborious benefited

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Spelling 18

Spelling 18- 7th Grade Appreciate Appetite Apparatus Apparently Appropriately Opponent Opportunity Correspond Correction Irrigation Irregular Illegal Collapse College Supported   Honors~ Approximately Supposed Irritate Illustration Collection

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Journals 14-20

J14- Can humans sometimes be monsters? How? J15- Free Write! J16- What makes a gift special? J17- What is the most special gift you’ve ever been given? J18- What is the most special gift you’ve ever given? J19-Describe your morning, … Continue reading

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Journals 15-19

J15- You are going to lose all of your 5 senses except one, and you get to choose which one you keep. Which sense would you pick and why? J16- Imagine you just learned the world is going to end on Saturday. How … Continue reading

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Journals 9-13

J9- What turns a crowd into a mob? Describe a time when you witnessed, or were involved in, a mob. J10- In a story, what is the conflict? Does a story have to have a conflict? J11- Have you ever … Continue reading

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Spelling 16

Spelling 16- 9th grade Stretch Questionnaire Proposition Liveliest Liability Island Inquiry Nuisance Obstacle Forfeit Foreigner Ascend Breathe Analysis Definitely Honors~ Etiquette Dividend Ecstasy Cocoon Handkerchief

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