Author Archives: felicia.kucharski

Journals 5-9

J5- Free Write J6- What keeps a family together? How important is family unity in today’s society? J7- What does the setting of teh opening scene in “Grapes…” suggest about the novel? About the Joad family structure? J8- How does … Continue reading

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Journals 5-6

J5- Should Quest do away with it’s nutrition policy? Choose a side and argue via 5-paragraph essay format. J6- What do you know about the Underground Railroad?

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Journals 4-8

J4- Compare the setting of “Dark They Were…” to the setting of your life. J5-Discuss something from yesterday’s reading that stood out to you? J6-Why did the Bitterings leave behind all of their Earthly things? What does this suggest? J7- Have … Continue reading

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Journals 5-9

J5- You were just granted a superpower of your choice. What would it be and why? J6- Alphabet Story- write a story with each word starting with the next leter of the alphabet. (A Boy Came Down…) J7- You come … Continue reading

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Spelling 14

Spelling 14- 9th grade   Nonchalance Olfactory Philanthropist Panorama Perjury Poignant Quibble Proximity Reek Relevancy Remembrance Reservoir Redundant Martyr Succinct Honors~ Ubiquitous Uncanny Spasmodic Scavenger Squalid

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Spelling 14

Spelling 14- 8th grade conspiracy expire inspiration matrimony spectacle disrespect expectation maternity perspective speculate exclusive including matron preclude spiritual   Honors~ exclude inspection maternal seclusion transported

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Spelling 15

Spelling 15- 7th grade   Transmitting Omitted Admitting Permitted Transferring Preferred Referring Conference Difference Suffering Offered Happening Galloped Orbiting Visited Honors~ Piloting Entered Altering Murmured Laboring

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Journals 1-4

J1- Free write! J2- Define freedont. What is freedom to you? J3- Define bravery. What makes someone couragous? J4- Write about someone you know that has shown courage/bravery.

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Spelling 14

Spelling Lesson 14- 7th grade   Starred Jogger Grabbed Sadder Dimmed Upsetting Beginner Controlling Regrettable Patrolling Rebelled Committee equipped

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Spelling 13

Spelling 13- 8th grade   abrupt complex implicate inexplicable structural applicable disrupt independently pendulum suspended bankrupt duplicate

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