Author Archives: felicia.kucharski

Journals 19-20

J19- Discuss some healthy choices you made over Thanksgiving break. J20- List 5 appropriate behaviors for student presentations.

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Journals 16-21

J16- Pick one of the six notes you took from your recent reading and write about why it stood out to you. J17- Is Beaty a hypocrite? What does he mean by comparing books to a “loaded gun”? J18- Write … Continue reading

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Journals 14-18 (Nov. 26-30)

J14 Write about something interesting that happened to you over Thanksgiving break. J15- Discuss the consequence of the white rabbit’s behavior from the story “Terrible Things.” J16- Write about an experience you’ve had with prejudice, descrimination, stereotyping, or scapegoating. J17- What … Continue reading

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Journals18-22 (Nov. 26-30)

J18- Make a list of the 10 Worst Things that could happen to you on your way to school. J19- Write about another one of the “10 Worst…” from the point of view of an onlooker. J20- Pick one more … Continue reading

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Journal 12-13 (Nov. 19-20)

J12- Rewrite the ending to “Terrible Things.” J13- Write about how Thanksgiving started.

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Anne Frank Vocabulary 1

Anne Frank Vocab 1   Appalled- shocked Tyranny- evil use of power Loathe- intense hatred Conspicuous- easily seen Ostentatious- showy Unabashed- unashamed Zeal- enthusiasm Gingerly- cautiously

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Spelling 10

Spelling 10 – 9th Grade 1. soliloquy 2. spasmodic 3. squalid 4. strenuous 5. stringent 6. subsequent 7. subsistence 8. succinct 9. summarize 10. supersede 11. surgeon 12. surveillance 13. swelter 14. synthesis 15. tantalize   Honors~ Apparent Definitely Discipline … Continue reading

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Spelling 10

Spelling 10 – 8th grade: benefactor colleague commute communal contradict benign collections comment commencement contraband contrast benefit collaborate commitment eulogy Honors~ collision commodity commerce contrary euphoria

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Spelling 11

Spelling 11- 7th grade Emotionally Traditionally Nationally Accidentally Incidentally Temperamentally Sentimentally Historically Optimistically Periodically Musically Romantically Academically Athletically Frantically Drastically Sarcastically Specifically Dramatically Automatically   Honors~ Apparent Definitely Discipline Existence Maneuver

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Obituary Template

Obituary Template~ Use this section as an outline, checklist, sample format, or template to writing an obituary. The following headings are meant as a general guide. Make sure that you have considered everything that is usually covered, then select what … Continue reading

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