Author Archives: felicia.kucharski


J40-Why is Aziza the cat a traitor? Why is Karim bothered by the Israeli soldier on his soccer field? J41- Discuss the significance of the Israeli solder looking for a moment like Jamal. J42- Discuss the the strengths of your … Continue reading

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Journals 38-39

J38- Write Lady Macbeth’s final diary entry before she commits suicide. J39- What are you going to do during fall break?

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Journals 38-39

J38- What character are you going to write your paper on? Why? J39- Why is change (adapting) so important?

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Journals 40-41

J40- List the top 3 most remarkable moments of your life. Pick one and write about it. J41- Write a poem (at least 6 lines) about the second moment from your list. J42- Write a 3rd person narrative about the … Continue reading

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Journals 35-39

J35- Write a letter to Ms. K telling her what you’ve done so far that day. Letter format. J36- Free Write (1/2 page) J37- Describe the perfect world. J38- Write a poem starting with the line, “Bring me sunshine in … Continue reading

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Journals 8-9

J8- Your immune system is currently malfunctioning. List two other body systems this would affect and how. J9- Based on the 8 health determinants, list three things in your life that you could change now to improve your life expectancy. J10- … Continue reading

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Journals 33-37

J33- Have you ever had a friend that takes a lot of risks? Do you take risks? J34- How have the losses that Hopper has endured throughout his life affected the choices he makes? J35- What does the “little piece … Continue reading

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Journals 29-32

J29- Do people deserve second chances? J30- When you’re required to do something, verses when you do something of your own accord, how does that affect your attitude toward it? J31- In a 3rd person narrative, write about the events … Continue reading

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Journals 33-37

J33- Are the witches mischievously and cruelly playing with these human lives, or are they making innocent prophecies? J34-Discuss a story of betrayal in Macbeth. J35- Have you ever sleepwalked/talked? Why to you think people sleepwalk? J36- Have you ever … Continue reading

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Vocab 2

A Little Piece of Ground – Vocabulary 2 1. Tangible- 1. Able to be touched. 2. Actual. Capable of being understood and evaluated, and therefore regarded as real. 3. Able to be realized.  Capable of being given a physical existence. … Continue reading

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