Author Archives: felicia.kucharski

Journals 64-66

J64- React to the “Tice Davids”(p51) incident OR the “Nat Turner”(p54) incident…   1/2 page J65- If you were a slave in the 1850’s, would you have attempted to escape using the Underground Railroad? There were many risks they had to … Continue reading

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Harriet Tubman Vocab 2

Harriet Tubman Vocabulary 2: Quakers– a religious group, many felt it was their duty to help slaves escape freedom. Safe house– a place where runaway slaves could find food and shelter. Also known as a “station.” Overseer– a person who … Continue reading

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Spelling 17

Anarchy Imprudent Impersonate Incognito Negligent Anesthesia Immobilize Impatiently Indecisive Negative Anemia Immaculate Inaccurate Invalid Nonchalant Anonymous Impromptu Neglect Nonexistent Inactive

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Journals 65-66

J65- Is violence a problem for you or anyone in your family? What are some ways to effectively solve problems without the use of violence? J66- Have you ever been involved in or witnessed a hate crime? Describe…

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Journals 62-63

J62- If you could go back in time and give advice to any historical figure, who would it be and what would your advice be? J63- “…ideas are contagious–particularly ideas that concern the rights of man.” (p.29) *1/2 page response

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Journals 63-66

J63- What does it mean to be a winner? J64a- Think about a passion that you have. How does this passion help you understand how Lance Armstrong feels about his bike? J64b- What is so important about a name? Do … Continue reading

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Harriet Tubman Vocab 1

Vocabulary 1- Harriet Tubman Abolitionist- a person in favor of abolishing (getting rid of) slavery. Slavery- a system based on enslaved labor; the state of being owned or dominated. Underground railroad- A secret network of cooperation whereby slaves were helped … Continue reading

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Spelling 16

Spelling 16 1. coauthor 2. collateral 3. copilot 4. symptom 5. synagogue 6. coexist 7. coordinate 8. syllable 9. synchroniz 10. coherent 11. cooperative 12. symphonic 13. synthesis 14. syncopate 15. coincide 16. symbolize 17. symposium 18. syntax 19. syllabus … Continue reading

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Journals 62-64

J62- List 3 different natural disasters and 2 things to do in case of each. J63- Discuss the violence in the media. What are the consequence of being constantly exposed to this violence? J64- What are some precautions you can … Continue reading

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Journals 59-61

J59: Abolitionists who ran the Underground Railroad system were following their personal beliefs instead of the country’s laws. What would your level of involvement with the Underground Railroad been if you lived at this time? J60: “One of the sad … Continue reading

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