Category Archives: Creative Writing II

Journals 17-21

J17- Free WriteJ18- Describe you favorite weather using your 5 senses. Include 1 metaphor and 1 simile.J19- Compare/Contrast your favorite season with your favorite food.J20- What if spring fever were a real illness? Describe this illness and its symptoms.J21- Spring … Continue reading

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Journals 12-16

J12- Free WriteJ13- Describe a time you outsmarted or “outfoxed” someone. J14- Write about a day in the life of a misfit.J15- Write and inner dialogue of an icicle in the springtime. Show the emotional journey that it surely experiences!J16- … Continue reading

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Sample DWA Responses

Go to these DWA responses:DWA_Responses_9 Read through them. You will analyze three of them in a one paragraph response. One paragraph EACH.Pick… 1. lower-scoring 2. middle-scoring3. high-scoring …to analyze. Discuss the things that hindered (weaknesses), and helped (strengths), the score … Continue reading

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Utah Write: Elaboration in Essays/Punctuation

Go to Utah Write: Here are the assignments for the lessons: (To be written on a separate piece of paper.) Utah Write: Elaboration in Essays         Lessons: Advanced: Elaboration in EssaysWrite a 1-2 sentence summary on what you learned for … Continue reading

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Utah Write: Conventions/Sentences

Go to Utah Write: Here are the assignments for the lessons: (To be written on a separate piece of paper.) Utah Write: Conventions         Lesson: Intermediate: ConventionsCapitalization: write all the rules for capitalization.Quotation Marks: Write all the rules for quotation … Continue reading

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J7-Write about the earliest memory you have.J8- Describe someone you admire. J9- List the top 10 foods you could eat the rest of your life.J10- Write about the songs on your playlist? J11- Discuss a horrific style trend.

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Journals 1-6

J1- 10 goals for 2014J2- What is one piece of advice that has stuck with you? Why?J3- What is one talent/skill that you with you had? Do you plan on learning this skill?J4- Write about something that’s made you smile … Continue reading

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J16- If you were a Christmas tree, how would you want to be decorated?J17- If I could give a gift to the world, it would be…J18- Draw a 6-frame Gingerbread Man cartoon.J19- What are your two favorite fairy tales? Write … Continue reading

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Six Traits: Voice

Click on the link below to access the assignment: 20 pts

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