Category Archives: Creative Writing II

Sample Diamantes

Shape is off—But you can see the format. Father strong,  industrious building ,  directing , sacrificing family head, director,  leader, manager hardworking, supporting, loving courageous, patient Mother Mother caring, kind nursing , assisting, guiding teacher, adviser, counselor, caregiver, leading, molding, … Continue reading

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Sample Haikus

As the wind does blow Across the trees, I see the Buds blooming in May   I walk across sand And find myself blistering In the hot, hot heat   Falling to the ground, I watch a leaf settle down … Continue reading

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Sample Limericks

Limerick Examples: Our novels get longa and longa Their language gets stronga and stronga There’s much to be said For a life that is led In illiterate places like Bonga H. G. Wells          There was an Old Man with a … Continue reading

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Journals 30-34

J30- List 5 challenges you’ve faced in the last three months. Pick one, and write about it. J31- Write a 1st person narrative about the worst meal you’ve every had. J32- “If you don’t risk anything, you’re risking more.” What … Continue reading

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Journals 25-29

J25- Make a list of 20 simple pleasures. Pick one and write a paragraph about it. J26- Write a light-hearted “How To” on how to get along with an enemy. J27- “The black room took us like a cave.” -React … Continue reading

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Journals 20-24

J20- There was once a chance I didn’t take when… J21- If you could invent something to help mankind, what would it be? J22- Write a letter to someone you wish you could spend more time with. J23- Using the … Continue reading

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Mission Statement Template and Guidelines

  Guidelines for Personal Credo/Mission Statement: Keep it simple, clear and brief. The best mission statements tend to be three to five sentences long. Your mission statement should touch upon what you want to focus on and who you want … Continue reading

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Journals 15-19

J15- Write about your favorite movie ending. What did you like about it? J16- Describe a day of you life 15 years from now…from morning until night. Include details. J17- You are walking through a cemetary at night and see … Continue reading

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Journals 11-14

J11- Write a narrative (story) about an event that took place over the long weekend. J12- Your are told that you are going to lose all of your senses except 1. You get to pick which one you keep. Which … Continue reading

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Writing Territories~

1. What is your earliest memory? 2. Who are your friends? 3. What are your hobbies? 4. What is your favorite movie? 5. What are some of your accomplishements? 6. What confuses you? 7. What are your pet peeves? 8. … Continue reading

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