Category Archives: 8th Grade ELA

Spelling Lesson 2

Group AcontrollerpatrolledforbiddenconferredpreferredGroup BunforgettabledeferredexpelledtransmittingdeterringGroup CoccasionallyoccurringincurredpropelleradmittingGroup Domittedpermittedacquittedoverlappinghandicapped

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Literature Circle 4 Make-up Assignment

In Chapter 11 Karim talks about a “shift” that he feels: “For a long moment, neither of them spoke, and in the silence, Karim felt something shift. Up till now, they’d been mere children, watching the struggle from the sidelines, … Continue reading

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ELA 9-19-14

Journal 12Grammar: Pronouns 2 (p.708-709)Vocab Ex. 2: In context-write sentence the word is used in when you find them in book.Lit Circle Discussion 4            -if absent alternative assignment is posted.Assign new roles and start reading ch. 13-16

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Journals 10-14

J10- Venn Diagram: Compare/contrast Karim and Hopper’s home lives. How are the similar/different?J11- Why does the video game Lineman mean so much to Karim?J12- Karim is taking risks to impress Hopper. Describe a time that you’ve taken a risk to … Continue reading

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Vocabulary 2

Gesticulate– to make gestures; body movement communicating something. Wave, motion, signal.Mosque– Muslim place of worship.Viscous– Thick and sticky. Gelatinous, gluey.Galvanized– stimulate somebody to act. Spurred, roused.Militant– aggressive; involved in fighting. Confrontational, radical.Eliciting– provoke a reaction; to draw out. Causing, prompting.Befogged– … Continue reading

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Literature Circle 3: Make-up Assignment

In a 1 page essay (2 pages typed), discuss this passage from chapter 8:  “Endurance. That’s what takes courage. Decency among ourselves. That’s where we must be strong. When they steal from us and try to humiliate us, the real … Continue reading

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Grammar: Nouns 1 and 2

Grammar book page 702-705:p. 703 Concrete and Abstract 1-5; Compound and Collective 1-5 (refer to p. 702)p. 705 Uses of Nouns 1-11 (refer to p. 704)

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Journals 6-10

J6- Describe the refugee camps. Who’s there? Why? What are the conditions like?J7- Who do you tell your secrets to? Why?J8- What place feels like home to you? What makes it feel that way?J9- Is Abu Feisal a character that … Continue reading

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Schoology Codes


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Spelling 1

 alligatorjuniorincubatormurmurreflectorancestorsglacierinvestorparticularanchorangulargladiatorlinearperpendiculartweezersHonors16. conqueror17. impostor18. moderator19. professor20. vinegar

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