Category Archives: 8th Grade ELA

Spelling Lesson 8

Group ACentigradeDecimalKiloliterMonolithMonarchGroup BCentimeterDeciliterKilowattMonopoly10. MyriadGroup C11. Decade12. Duet13. Milligram14. Monotone15. SemiannualGroup D16. Decimeter17. Duplex18. Milliliter19. Monologue20. Semiprecious

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Subject-Verb Agreement Review

Go to this website: all of the rules that we’ve gone over for subject-verb agreement and then go to the FIRST quiz (at the bottom). One a separate piece of paper, title it “Sub-Verb Agreement Quiz 1” and number 1-13, … Continue reading

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Spelling 7

Spelling 7– Greek/Latin Roots equalchantlocalverbalsatisfyequationcantorcrediblepossible10. dislocate11. effusive12. inspire13. persist14. spirit15. potent16. incredulous17. transfusion18. negate19. persevere20. perceive

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Sub-Verb Agreement 3 and 4

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J16- Could something like the Holocaust ever happen again?J17- Web DiagramJ18- What is the hardest part of the writing process for you? Why?J19-

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Subject-Verb Agreement 1

Subject-Verb Agreement Review   After you finish writing your paragraph, go back through it and underline the subject(s) and double underline the verb(s) in each sentence. And then at the end of each sentence put and insert sign (^) and … Continue reading

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Argumentative Essay Rubrics

Here are the rubrics for your essay:Rubric_persuasive_Essay

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Irregular Verbs

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Journals 11-15

J11-Write the poem “Holocaust”.J12- Response Journal #4 Why is Ann such a dynamic character in the play?J13- Create a list of 10 rules that would be important to you if you were in hiding in the secret annex.J14- Response Journal … Continue reading

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Grammar: Action, Linking, and Helping Verbs

Read Through the following and then complete the assignment at the bottom. Verb ReviewA verb tells of an action or state of being. There are verbs that indicate action. These are called action verbs, it tells that something is happening, has … Continue reading

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