Category Archives: 8th Grade ELA

Spelling 6

 Group AhorridstupidcrookedelectronichistoricGroup B6. ragged7. magnetic8. barefooted9. demographic10. independentGroup C11. rigid12. contented13. comfortable14. poetic15. passionateGroup D16. undersized17. metallic18. confederate19. accomplice20. sensitive 

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Anne Frank Vocab 2

Glutton- greedy person. Food lover.Mediate- intervene to resolve conflict.Enamored- in love with somebody; captivated.Antagonize- provoke anger or arouse somebody’s hostilityCalligraphy- skill of handwriting, lettering.Egotistical- narcissistic, conceited, selfish person.Seethe- to be angry, fume.Incriminate- make appear guilty; accuse of wrongdoing.Exercise 1- Write … Continue reading

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Grammar: Action Verbs-Ex.1

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Journals 6-10

J6- What does it take to stand up to a policy or rule (or even law) that you feel is unjust? Have you ever?J7- Response Journal #2 (50 words/double points): Compare/Contrast Anne and PeterJ8- Discuss your likes/dislikes of the play … Continue reading

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Anne Frank: Vocabulary 1

Anne Frank Vocab 1Appalled- shocked by something dreadfulTyranny- evil use of powerLoathe- intense hatredConspicuous- easily seenOstentatious-rich and showy; flashyUnabashed- unashamed; bold; forwardZeal- having enthusiasm for something; passionGingerly- doing something very carefully or cautiously; delicately. 

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Spelling 5

Spelling 5- Eighth gradeGroup Ahydrantthermosconsentchronicfertilize Group Bhydrogendehydratedthermometerdiameter10. synchronize Group C11. preferred12. speedometer13. referral14. consensus15. destructive Group D (honors)16. sensitize17. antihistamine18. sensibility19. proclamation20. structural

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Journals 1-5

J1- How would you feel/react if congress announced that all people with blue eyed would have all of their rights taken away and would no longer be considered citizens?J2- How would this affect our economy, society, nation? J3- Describe what … Continue reading

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Anne Frank Vocab 1

Anne Frank Vocab 1 Appalled- shocked by something dreadfulTyranny- evil use of powerLoathe- intense hatredConspicuous- easily seenOstentatious-rich and showy; flashyUnabashed- unashamed; bold; forwardZeal- having enthusiasm for something; passionGingerly- doing something very carefully or cautiously; delicately. 

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Sentence Structure Assignment

Right two sentences for each sentence type.1. Simple2. Complex3. Compound4. Compound-complex

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Spelling Lesson 4

Spelling Lesson 4- Eighth Grade Group A1. absorb2. accompany3. accomplice4. unusual5. altercation Group B6. ambassador7. ambiguous8. agriculture9. specific10. apparatus Group C11. approximately12. prisoner13. authentic14. authenticate15. auxiliary      Group D16. benevolent17. blasphemous18. acquiesce19. vengeance20. camouflage

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