Category Archives: 8th Grade ELA

Spelling 19

Spelling 19- 8th grade Alligator Junior Incubator Murmur Reflector Ancestors Glacier Investor Particular Anchor Angular Gladiator Linear Tweezers Vinegar   Honors~ Perpendicular Conqueror Imposter Moderator Professor

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A Wrinkle in Time vocabulary 1

Vocabulary 1: A Wrinkle in Time- Vocabulary 1 Assimilate- incorporate. Integrate new knowledge (or person) with what is already in place. Avid- eager or enthusiastic about something. Dilapidated- run down, ruined or decay; result of neglect. Frivoling- to spend or … Continue reading

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Pre-reading Questions

Predict what the story might be about just by hearing the title. (3+ sentences) Are you interested in any of the following: Stories about travel through space and time? Stories about children who are extraordinary? Stories that require you to … Continue reading

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Spelling 18

Spelling 18- 8th Grade Auditor Exorbitant Molecular Ordinance Republican Documentary Insecticide Optician Publicity Suburban Dominion Juvenile Option Quarantine Vermin   Honors~   Exhilarated Opulent Regime Verdict Maximum

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Journals 19-21

J19- Write: 3 phrases, 3 dependent clauses, 3 independent clauses. J20- Notes on “Citing Sources” Brainpop. J21- Notes on presentations.

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How to cite a website:

How to Cite a Website in MLA Structure: Last name, First name. “Article Title.” Website Title. Publisher of Website, Day Month Year article was published. Web. Day Month Year article was accessed. <URL>.   Example: Cain, Kevin. “The Negative Effects … Continue reading

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Criteria for Research Project

Criteria for Research Project: This research project will be in the form of a 5 minute multimedia presentation: Pick an area related to slavery, the abolition of slavery, civil war, or civil rights that you would like to learn more … Continue reading

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Journals 15-19

J15- Write about your weekend using: 2 compound subject, 2 compound predicate, and 2 compound sentences. J16- ABC Story J17- Compare/Contrast personalities of your parents. Use a Venn Diagram. Then write about comparisons. J18-

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Spelling 17

Spelling 17- 8th grade Anarchy Imprudent Impersonate Incognito Negligent Anesthesia Immobilize Impatiently Indecisive Negative Anemia Immaculate Inaccurate Invalid Nonchalant Honors~ Anonymous Impromptu Neglect Nonexistent Inactive

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Journals 11-14

J11- Respond to quote: “Those who are hardest to love… need it the most.” -Socrates J12- Is there a character trait of Harriet Tubman’s that you wished you possessed? Why? J13- Discuss an issue/event related to slavery or civil rights … Continue reading

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