Category Archives: 8th Grade ELA

Spelling 9

Spelling 9—8th grade   abhor abstain affirmative announcement annul abolish absolve affiliate annotate antibiotic absurd affable aggravate annihilate antihistamine   Honors~ abstract affluent aggressive annex antisocial

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Journals 5-7 (Nov. 5-7)

J5- Free Write J6- What is the hardest part of writing an academic paper? J7- Did the class discussion/sharing of thesis’s help you?

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Spelling 8

Spelling Lesson 8- 8th Grade 1. antecedent 2. epilogue 3. episode 4. premier 5. protrude 6. anterior 7. premonition 8. preamble 9. prejudice 10. procession 11. epitaph 12. anteroom 13. presuppose 14. premature 15. prophet Honors~ epistle epidermis prelude proposal … Continue reading

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Journals 1-4

J1- Why could this book be considered contraversial? J2- Write a Halloween poem. Any kind, any length. J3- Some schools are trying to ban Halloween because of its religious origin. Pick a side (whether it should be banned at school … Continue reading

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J40-Why is Aziza the cat a traitor? Why is Karim bothered by the Israeli soldier on his soccer field? J41- Discuss the significance of the Israeli solder looking for a moment like Jamal. J42- Discuss the the strengths of your … Continue reading

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Journals 38-39

J38- What character are you going to write your paper on? Why? J39- Why is change (adapting) so important?

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Journals 33-37

J33- Have you ever had a friend that takes a lot of risks? Do you take risks? J34- How have the losses that Hopper has endured throughout his life affected the choices he makes? J35- What does the “little piece … Continue reading

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Vocab 2

A Little Piece of Ground – Vocabulary 2 1. Tangible- 1. Able to be touched. 2. Actual. Capable of being understood and evaluated, and therefore regarded as real. 3. Able to be realized.  Capable of being given a physical existence. … Continue reading

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Spelling 6

Spelling Lesson 6- 8th Grade hydrant hydrogen dehydrated chronic synchronize thermos thermometer diameter speedometer consent fertilize preferred referral inference destructive obstruction structural sensibility consensus sensitize Honors Words antihistamine interdisciplinary memoranda proclamation

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Journals 28-32

J28- Why does lineman mean so much much to Karim? Do you have something similar in your life? J29- Discuss the literature circle experiences you’ve had. Likes/Dislikes… J30- Something is “shifting” for Karim and Joni. What is it, and why is … Continue reading

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