Category Archives: 8th Grade ELA

Spelling 5

Lesson 5~~  Spelling Words embarrassment unnecessary occasionally trespass dismissed challenge forbidden accompany immediately political congratulate congratulations graduate graduation inspect inspection narrate narrative strategy strategic Honors Students: homogenize hypocrisy idiosyncrasy impasse

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Journals 23-27

J23- Is change good? Explain. J24- How have you grown/changed since this time last year? J25- Discuss endurance. What does it mean to endure through something? J26- What does it mean to have courage? Describe a time when you have … Continue reading

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Spelling 4

Lesson 4 1. controller 2. patrolled 3. forbidden 4. conferred 5. preferred 6. unforgettable 7. deferred 8. expelled 9. transmitting 10. deterring 11. occasionally 12. occurring 13. incurred 14. propeller 15. admitting 16. omitted 17. permitted 18. acquitted 19. overlapping … Continue reading

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Spelling 3

Lesson 3   alligator junior incubator murmur reflector ancestors glacier investor particular anchor angular gladiator linear perpendicular tweezers conqueror impostor moderator professor vinegar      

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Journals 10-12

J10- List 10 best things you want to do (or be) in ou life. Then list 10 things you DON’T want to do (or be) in you life. J11- How do your 2 lists differ from Karim’s lists? How are … Continue reading

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Spelling 2

Lesson 2 abandon commemorate exposure ornament tendency affidavit consolidate gratitude resurrect undoubtedly appetite curiosity guardian saturate voluntary barbecue dominate installation specifications ascertain  

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spelling 1

Spelling 1 aristocrat biography thermostat octagon parasite barometer chronic geographical parallel pharmacy biological dialogue geological parable televise hydrant enthusiasm paralysis thermos neon

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Journals 5-9

J5- Is the educations system work? If not, what is the solution? J6- Wht is the biggest conflict in your life right now? How do you think that differs from that of a teenager living in the Middle East? J7- … Continue reading

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Journals 1-4

J1- How do you feel aobut your first day of school? J2- The best book I’ve ever read is… J3- So far this week I’ve… J4- The highlight of my week was…

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8th grade LA Disclosure

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