Category Archives: 8th Grade ELA

Little Piece of Ground Vocab 2

Gesticulate– to make gestures; body movement communicating something. Wave, motion, signal.Mosque– Muslim place of worship.Cajole– to persuade or coax. Sweet-talk.Viscous– thick and sticky. Gelatinous, gluey.Galvanized– stimulate somebody to act. Spurred, roused.Militant– aggressive; involved in fighting. Confrontational, radical.Eliciting– provoke a reaction; … Continue reading

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Journals 12-16

J12- What is the difference between being brave and being reckless?Give an example of each–one from the book, and one from real life. That’s four examples total.J13- Make a prediction about the novel. 1 paragraphJ14-Why do the cats become so … Continue reading

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ELA Agenda 9-22

J12Literature Circle Discussion #4Vocabulary 1– Quiz  (All four vocabulary exercises due!)

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ELA Journals 7-11

J7- Describe the refugee camps. and the refugees that are there. 1 paragraphJ8- Who do you tell your secrets to? Why do you trust this person?J9- What place feels most like ‘home’ to you? What makes it feel this way?J10- … Continue reading

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Spelling, Vocab, Grammar Assignments

Here you will find Tuesday and Thursday’s spelling, vocabulary, and grammar assignments for ELA.Once you have completed the days reading, worked on your role, and journal. You will move on to these assignments:Tuesday:Spelling- Write words Right to LeftVocabulary- Write a … Continue reading

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Spelling Lesson 1

Group AalligatorjuniorincubatormurmurreflectorGroup BancestorsglacierinvestorparticularanchorGroup CangulargladiatorlinearperpendiculartweezersGroup DconquerorimpostormoderatorprofessorvinegarExercises:1- Write words2- Write words RIGHT to LEFT3- AccEntUAtE All Of thE vOwEls4- Chunk by syll-a-ble

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ELA Journals 1-6

J1: What is/has been the biggest conflict of your life?J2: Who am I:What motivates me?What are my best abilities?How do peers influence me?When and with whom am I at my best?Who are my best sources of help?How can I do … Continue reading

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Vocabulary 1

Reproachfully- Disapproving. Expressing disapproval or blame.Massacre- The vicious killing of large numbers of people or animals. Outmaneuver- Outsmart, outfox; to get the better of.Refugee– Somebody who seeks or takes refuge in a foreign country, especially to avoid war or persecution.Surreptitious- … Continue reading

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Vocabulary 2- “A Wrinkle in Time”

Connotation- an implied, additional or suggested meaning.Bilious- nauseated, unpleasant stomach. Disagreeable or bad-tempered.Malignant- harmful; wanting to do evil. Likely to cause death.Precipitously- done rashly without much thought.Propitious- favorable and likely to lead to success. Kind or gracious.Writhe- to twist or … Continue reading

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ELA 4-27-15

Finish reading chap. 5J8- Describe the setting of the beginning of the novel; before they tesser. Vocabulary QUIZ: 4 ex. dueGrammar: Review Verbals

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