Category Archives: 8th Grade ELA

Harriet Tubman Vocab 2

Incentive- something that encourages somebody to action. Motivation.Contraband- illegal imports and exports; illegal trade.Inauspicious- promising failure or bad luck; discouraging.Adornment- embellishment, decoration. To enhance.Inscription– writing, dedication.Peddling- to sell goods; sometimes illegal things.Destitute– penniless; lacking necessities of life.Overseer– a person who … Continue reading

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ELA Journals 6-10

J6- What do the muskrats in chapter 4 represent? And what might the author be foreshadowing with this metaphor? J7- Discuss what you like most, and least, about the novel thus far.J8- Describe who Harriet Tubman is, and what the … Continue reading

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Spelling Lesson 7

Group AcentigradedecimalkilolitermonolithmonarchGroup BcentimeterdeciliterkilowattmonopolymyriadGroup CdecadeduetmilligrammonotonesemiannualGroup Ddecimeterduplexmillilitermonologuesemiprecious

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ELA 2-3-15

Read ch.4 in Harriet Tubman.Journal 6Spelling 7: Ex. 1- write wordsGrammar: Verb/Adv Review- p.740, 1-25Vocab1: Ex. 3-Sentence   HOMEWORK: Vocab ex.4-Write word-one synonym, and one antonym. Due Thursday! Vocab QUIZ is THURSDAY!Update Timeline and Character Profile ChartRead: Ch. 5

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Reading Comprehension

Read the following speech, then write a 1/2 – 1 page summary of it.abolition_fanaticism_in_new_york_0 When summarizing, remember: 5W’s and H. Who, What, When, Where, Why and How!DUE TUESDAY, FEB., 3RD 🙂

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ELA Journals 1-5

1-Define freedom. What does freedom mean to you?2- Define bravery. What does it mean to be brave? Describe someone that you know who is brave, and what makes them brave.3- Explain the meaning of the quote, “Ideas are contagious.” 4- … Continue reading

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Spelling Lesson 6

Group AhorridstupidcrookedelectronichistoricGroup BraggedmagneticbarefooteddemographicindependentGroup CrigidcontentedcomfortablepoeticpassionateGroup Dundersizedmetallicconfederateaccomplicesensitive

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ELA 1-6-15

Correct Anne Frank Comprehension Quiz and turn in.Spelling 5: Ex. 110 min timed writing: “Could something like the Holocaust happen today?”Outline Map for final paper. Must be done by class on Thursday.

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Spelling 5

Group AhydrantthermosconsentchronicfertilizeGroup BhydrogendehydratedthermometerdiametersynchronizeGroup CpreferredspeedometerreferralconsensusdestructiveGroup DsensitizeantihistaminesensibilityproclamationstructuralTEST is Friday, January 16 Exercises: 1-write words2-chunk by syllables3-word within the word4-you pick 🙂

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ELA 12-15-14

Journal 14- When does this story reach its climax? Describe the events of the climax.Work on poem. Memorization quiz is this FRIDAY!Grammar: Capitalization- Brainpop          Watch the brainpop, then do “activities” and “graphic organizer”Finish play- Collect compare/contrast notes

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