Category Archives: 8th Grade ELA

ELA 12-11-14

J13- Response Journal #6: Compare/contrast the film with the book. Similarities/Differences. Which did you like more? Why?Spelling 4 TEST– 4 exercises dueFinish Anne Frank

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ELA Journals 9-13

J9- Response Journal #3: What is the mood of the Hanukkah celebration? Why?J10- Create 10 rules for the Secret Annex.J11- Response Journal #4: Discuss what makes Anne such a dynamic character in this play.J12- Write “Holocaust” poem to line 13, … Continue reading

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ELA 12-3-14

J10- Create a set of Secret Annex rules that would be important to you.Grammar: Verbs 7 (p.730-31, #1-10, 1-3)Spelling 4: Ex. 2- chunk by syllablesActivity: In HidingRead act 2, scene 2

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Spelling 4

Group A1. absorb2. accompany3. accomplice4. unusual5. altercationGroup B6. ambassador7. ambiguous8. agriculture9. specific10. apparatusGroup C11. approximately12. prisoner13. authentic14. authenticate15. auxiliaryGroup D16. benevolent17. blasphemous18. acquiesce19. vengeance20. camouflage

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ELA 12-1-14

Journal 9: Response journal #3- Describe mood of the Hanukkah celebration.Spelling 4: ex.1- write wordsVocab 2: ex.3- write word-picsRead Act 2, Scene 1 in Anne Frank

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ELA 11-20-14

Journal 8: Write what we’ve memorized of the poem so far. (to line 9.5)Grammar: Verb 6- Transitive/Intransitive (p.728-29, 1-15)Vocab 2: Ex. 2- SentencesStart reading scene VI

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ELA Journals 7-8

J7- Response journal #2: Compare/Contrast Anne and Peter. 3 similarities/3 differencesJ8- Write poem to line 9.5 (What we’ve memorized so far.)

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ELA 11-18-14

J7: Response Journal #2- Compare/contrast Anne and Peter. (May use Venn Diagram)Grammar: Verbs5- Active/passive voice: p.726-27, 1-7 and 1-4Vocab 2: Guessinations + word and definitionRead scene V in Anne Frank

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Anne Frank Vocab 2:

Glutton- greedy person. Food lover.Mediate- to intervene; to resolve conflict.Enamored- to be in love with somebody; captivated.Antagonize- to provoke anger or arouse somebody’s hostilityCalligraphy- skill of handwriting, lettering.Egotistical- narcissistic, conceited, selfish person.Seethe- to be angry, fume.Incriminate- to make appear guilty; … Continue reading

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ELA 11-10-14

J6- Response Journal #1 (on unit outline)Grammar: Verbs 3- p. 724-25, 1-9 (collected verbs 2 and verbs 3)Vocab 1: Ex. 4- Synonyms. Look up two synonyms for each vocabulary word.            QUIZ on Wednesday!Finish reading scene 3 in Anne Frank.

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