Category Archives: Archived

Spelling 14

Spelling Lesson 14- 7th grade   Starred Jogger Grabbed Sadder Dimmed Upsetting Beginner Controlling Regrettable Patrolling Rebelled Committee equipped

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Spelling 13

Spelling 13- 9th grade Blasphemous Authenticate Capricious Chronic Fallacy Finesse Escapade Dormitory Diffidence Defamation Correspondence Chaotic Celestial

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Journals 1-4

J1- Free write J2- What do you know about the Great Depression? J3- What happens when machines replace people? Consequences of that… J4- What is your definition of family? Relatives?

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Journals 1-4 (January 22-25)

J1- What are you expecting from this creative writing course? J2- How was your first day of the new semester? (highs/lows) J3- How do you feel about writing? (strengths/weaknesses) J4- Free Write!

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Fahrenheit 451 Research Project

Fahrenheit 451 Research Project Select one of the following topics: Research the history of book burning. When and where may have the practice have started? What famous incidents have involved book burning? Why were books burned, instead of simply torn … Continue reading

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Afterword to Fahrenheit 451

Afterword to the Novel Questions: Which information in this afterword do you find the most interesting? Why? The dime novel was the ancestor of today’s paperbacks:  a thin, paperbound novel that, as the name suggests, originally cost only ten cents. … Continue reading

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Journals 36-39

J36- Create a “wanted” poster for Guy Montag when he was on the run. J37- Write an additional scene in which the appearance of the city is described after the bombing and the ‘Book People” start to rebuild. J38- What … Continue reading

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Journals 5-9

J5- Discuss an event over the break that you had a strong emotional reaction to, and how you dealt with/reacted to it. J6- Using descresion, discribe a healthy or and unhealthy relationship that you’re involved in. (friend, sibling, parent, etc.) … Continue reading

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J31-35 (Dec. 17-21)

J31- Write a screenplay for a favorite scene that you’ve read so far. 1 page J32- What is the significance of Montag using fire, and abusing his power, to achieve his final emancipation? J33-

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Journals 26-30 (Dec. 10-14)

J26- What does Beatty mean when he says, “Those who doen’t build, must destroy”? Do you agree? J27- Why do you thing the bible has been such a frequent target of censorship? J28- What was your favorite scene so far? … Continue reading

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