Category Archives: Archived

Spelling 13

Spelling 13- 7th grade Supernatural Supersonic Superlative Superintendent Subordinate Subterranean Submerge Subconscious Precede Premeditated Forewarned Forecast Postpone Postwar Postscript Honors~ Postdated Transcontinental Transfusion Transplant Transmission

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Spelling 12

Spelling 12~ 9th grade 1. undoubtedly 2. unforgettable 3. upbraid 4. variegated 5. vengeance 6. versatile 7. volatile 8. vulnerable 9. vying 10. wary 11. equinox 12. fictitious 13. expedient 14. diffidence 15. grammatically Honors~ Acquittal Surveillance Technique Potpourri Partiality

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Journals 20-24

J20- What is your favorite part of this season? J21- Discuss some of your favorite winter traditions.

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Journals 21-25

J21- How would you characterize Mildred and her friends? J22- What does Mildred’s TV parler “family” fulfill for her? Why is she not interested in books? J23- Do you agree that Faber is a “cowardly old fool?” Why/Why not? J24- … Continue reading

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Journals 16-19

J16- Write about something interesting that happened over Thanksgiving break. J17- Do you think before you act? What could some consequences be for not thinking before acting? J18- Write about a time that you acted before thinking things through. Use … Continue reading

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Spelling 12

Spelling 12- 7th grade Attendance Avoidance Annoyance Appliance Defiance Guidance Defendant Contestant Inhabitant Descendant Ancient Science Conscience Efficient Sufficient Frequent Sequence Delinquent Adolescent Crescent Honors: Sincerely Improvement consequence

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Spelling 11

Spelling 11- 9th Grade 1. technician 2. technique 3. tedious 4. tenuous 5. tirade 6. transcend 7. transient 8. transmutation 9. tremor 10. turbulence 11. ubiquitous 12. ulterior 13. unanimous 14. uncanny 15. uncouth Honors~ Conscience Foreign Hierarchy License Maneuver

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Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary- Part 2

Fahrenheit 451- Part 2 Vocabulary   Chaos- complete confusion Discourse- lengthy discussion in speech or writing. Intuitively- through the senses rather than rational thought. Invigorate- to give energy to; to animate Manifest- to show plainly; to reveal. Profusion- a plentiful … Continue reading

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Journals 16-21

J16- Pick one of the six notes you took from your recent reading and write about why it stood out to you. J17- Is Beaty a hypocrite? What does he mean by comparing books to a “loaded gun”? J18- Write … Continue reading

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Spelling 10

Spelling 10 – 9th Grade 1. soliloquy 2. spasmodic 3. squalid 4. strenuous 5. stringent 6. subsequent 7. subsistence 8. succinct 9. summarize 10. supersede 11. surgeon 12. surveillance 13. swelter 14. synthesis 15. tantalize   Honors~ Apparent Definitely Discipline … Continue reading

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