Category Archives: Archived

Journals 25-29

J25- If you were to create a video game perfect for your personal interests and skills, what would it be like? J26- In eight frames, illustrate your video game. (…like a cartoon.) J27-Write a conversation you had with your favorite … Continue reading

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Journals 16-20

J16- Can appearances be deceiving? J17- Write about something or someone that you misjudged. J18- Write three things you’ve learned about sharks. J19- What is your favorite work of nonfiction that you’ve read? J20- Would you choose yourself as your … Continue reading

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Journals 20-24

J20- If you were stuck on a deserted island and could pick one person to go with you, who would it be and why? J21- On your deserted island, you get to take 4 items. What would to take and … Continue reading

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Auto-Bio Poem

Fill in the following items to complete your poem: Your first name: Four traits that describe you: Brother/sister of… Son/daughter of… Who feels… Who needs… Who gives… Who fears… Who would like to see… Who will never… But will always… … Continue reading

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Short Story Sharing

  We recently finished writing our short stories and many students wanted to share their stories with their classmates! It was fun hearing all the different and awesome stories that were written! Thanks all who shared!

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“Disease” Assignment

Finish reading “Like Black Smoke” (p. 896) answering questions 1-7 on p. 901, and read “World Turned Upside Down…” (p. 902) and then answer questions 1-7 on p. 905. Remember to answer the “organization questions” as they read (D, E, … Continue reading

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Spelling 23

Spelling 23- 9th grade Pleasant Adequately  Equipment Comparative Imitation Monotony Positively Ridiculous Unforgettable Considerable Angel Exceptional Institute Occupy Priority Honors~ Simile Situated Ascend Curiosity Fallacy

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Spelling 24

Spelling 24- 7th grade Expect Expired Expert Extremely Extension Extinct Excuse Effort Effective Election Elevate Escape Evaporate Experience Expensive Honors~ Extinguish Exclamation Excursion Efficiency Exterior

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Journals 12-15

J12- Discuss 3 different ways in which we fight disease in our modern world. J13- Have you, or anyone you know, ever been seriously ill? Would you have survives without our modern medicine? J14- Discuss an illness you are most … Continue reading

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Journals 13-16

J13- Discuss your favorite scene from chapters 6-10. J14- Discuss a scene that you were able to relate to from chapters 6-10. J15- Is Maya’s portrayal of her parents accurate? Can we trust her as a narrator? J16- Free Write

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