Category Archives: Archived

Journals 1-5

J1- Which do you think is most important in determining a person’s character: family background, environment, religion, economic condition, ethnicity? J2- How does lack of money affect a person? How would it change you? J3- What strengths/weaknesses might come from … Continue reading

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Journals 1-5

J1- Tell a story that involves: a lost ring, a fear of dogs, a dentist. J2- A babysitter is snooping around at her employer’s house and finds… J3- Your character starts recieving flowers and anonymous gifts… J4- Tell a story … Continue reading

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Spelling 21

Spelling 21- 9th grade Accurate Civilization Eighth Medical Heroic Representative Traffic Achievement Commencement Eliminate Hindrance Miniature Pigeon Requirement Twelfth Honors~ Suspense Questionnaire Superintendent Sufficient Precisely

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Spelling 22

Spelling 22- 7th grade Quarter Pedestrian Century Gradual Annual United Animated Magnify Factory Manual Quadrangle Quadruped Centipede Centigrade Anniversary Honors~ Universal Unanimous Magnanimous Manufacture Manuscript

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Journals 35-39

J35- What type of personality traits are important for someone who is going into teaching? J36- Is there a personality trait/characteristic about yourself you wish you could change? J37- How has belonging to this particular culture shaped you as an individual? … Continue reading

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Journals 34-38

J34- Write about you weekend. Circle ALL pronouns. J35- What makes someone a winner? J36- Write about someone you know who you would consider a winner. J37- What does your name mean? What is the significance of, or story behind, … Continue reading

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Journals 39-43

J39- What is your favorite thing to do at the beach? Or your favorite beach memory? J40- What are some advantages/disadvantages of living on the beach? J41- What kind of “Beach Creature” would you be? J42- Think of 3 educational … Continue reading

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Journals 30-34

J30- Write about your weekend using: 2 common, 2 proper, 2 abstract, 2 concrete NOUNS. J31- ABC story J32- Compare/Contrast the personalities of your parents. Use a Venn Diagram. Then write about the comparisons. J33- Why do people write short … Continue reading

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Journals 30-34

J30- Is unhappiness a sickness? J31- Do people interact with others differently when they’re sad? Do you? J32- Evaluate the ending of “What do Fish…”. Good? Bad? Why? J33-

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Journals 34-38

J34- What kind of people do you like to hang out with? J35- Describe personality/character traits that are good to have for someone who goes into teaching. J36- Compare/Contrast personalities of your parents. Venn diagram, then 1/2 page write up. … Continue reading

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