Category Archives: Archived

Spelling 19

Spelling 19- 9th Grade Abundant Category Dominant Grammatically Gentleman Maneuver Persistent Regard Register Symphony Temperature Acquaintance Poison Mansion Grateful Honors~ Endeavor Commissioner Humorist Mischievous Embroidery

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Spelling 20

Spelling 20- 7th Grade Justice Juice Jumbo Jacket Journal Pajamas Rejoice Injury Challenge Damage marriage Judge Pledge bridge badge Honors~ juvenile  conjunction  language  mileage dodge

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Grapes of Wrath Final Paper

Grapes of Wrath Final Paper Choose one of these options: Write an opinion/analysis paper 2-3 pages/1.5 spacing/12pt Ariel font Topic choices: 1. Describe the role women play throughout this novel. Be sure to comment on the significance of Rose of … Continue reading

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Figurative Language Website

Here is the link to the website you will use for the figurative language assignment we will be working on Wednesday and Thursday:   1. Click on each figurative language element (ex. simile) and learn about it. 2. Then … Continue reading

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Journals 22-26

J22- Discuss  time in which you were conscious of  your goals/dreams changing. J23- Do you think you would have been tempted to “ride the rails” if you were a teen in the 30s? J24- Are we as aware of the … Continue reading

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Journals 24-27

J24- Make a list of 5 ‘simple pleasures.’ Pick on and write about it. Be as descriptive as possible. J25- Paint a pic (using figurative language/descriptive words) of your favorite meal. J26- Describe someone in lyou life that could qualify … Continue reading

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Riding the Rails

Here is the link and subsequent questions for “Riding the Rails”: Questions: After watching “Riding the Rails”: In a compare/contrast T-chart:  compare the attitude of people toward hobos in the 1930s and the homeless of today. Then, sum up … Continue reading

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Spelling 19

Spelling 19- 7th grade Antique Boutique Mosquito Etiquette Quite Quiet Quickly Quarterly Quarrel Quotation Quilted Aquarium Squirrel Equality Equator   Honors~ 16.   Banquet 17.   Ventriloquist 18.   Quotient 19.   Technique 20.   Bouquet

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Spelling 18

Spelling 18-9th grade Absorption Absence Bulletin Calendar Distinction Distinguished Magnificence Maintenance Permanent Conceivable Reference Referring Syllable Unanimous Tyranny Honors~ 16.   Ventriloquist 17.   Tournament 18.   Exhaustion 19.   Cordially 20.   Controversial

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Journals 20-21

J20- Why is Rose of Sharon’s feeding the starving man an appropriate and significant ending to this novel? J21- What is th irony or significance of the rain at the end of the novel? Symbolism of it?

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