Citing Sources!

Here is the information we went over in class for you to refer to. Make sure that you are citing your sources throughout your paper/presentation and that you have a “Works Cited” page/slide.

MLA Style Guide for Middle Schools–Guidelines for Making a Bibliography and Documenting Sources-DRAFT

Here is another resource that shows how to cite different sources.

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Term 3 Research Project

Criteria for Term 3 Research Project/Paper:

This research project will be in the form of an 8-minute multimedia presentation:

a)    Purpose: to inform

b)    Pick a topic—an event, issue, or person related to slavery, the abolition of slavery, civil war, or civil rights—that you are interested in and would like to learn more about.

c)    Research and create a power point presentation that has at least 10 informational slides, including a resource citation slide. So 11 slides including the title page. (One sentence for each slide will not receive full credit.)

d)    Will need to use (and cite) at least three reputable resources.

e)    Must have at least one visual. (Picture, map, timeline, chart, etc. If video clip-no longer than 3 minutes.)

f)     HAVE FUN! This is an area that is full of interesting, applicable issues and ideas! Try to ENJOY and learn something while doing this project!


a)    A 2 page, 1.5 spaced research paper. All of the same criteria.


Example topics:

  • Fredrick Douglas
  • Negro Spirituals
  • How Slavery Started
  • Key People in the Civil Rights Movement
  • Fight for Women’s Suffrage/Rights
  • Code Words in the Civil War and the Underground Railroad
  • Spies in the Civil War
  • Rosa Parks
  • How Slavery Spread through the U. S.
  • Lincoln
  • Malcom X

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ELA 3-10-15

  • J18- Final thoughts on novel. Did you enjoy? why/why not? What was your favorite/least favorite parts/aspects? Would you recommend this novel? why/why not?
  • Finish timeline and character profile chart–turn in.
  • Discuss term project. (Posted under “Term 3 Project”)
  • Correct Punctuation Review Quiz–turn in.
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Daily Writings 9-11

  • DW9- Write about what you didn’t do over the weekend.
  • Dw10- List the top 10 foods that you would choose if you could only eat 10 foods for the rest of your life. Then pick one and describe it. Use imagery and senses!
  • Dw11- Event a monster and describe it. Use one onomatopoeia, one hyperbole, and one simile.
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ELA 3-4-15

Journal 16
Spelling 8 test. 4 exercises due
Gram: p.589
Read chapters 18-19
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Health II Journals 12-15

HJ12- Discuss your meals and snack foods over the weekend. How could you have made healthier choices?

HJ13- Write 3 achievable food/snacking goals for yourself.

HJ14- Plan a 3 meals and 1-2 snacks for a day that have appropriate portions from EVERY food group.

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ELA Journals 15-19

J15- Would you have taken a part in the Underground Railroad had you lived in the 1800’s? Why/why not? What would you have been willing to do?

J16- How would our nation/history be different if Harriet Tubman had never lived?

J17- If you could travel back in time and give ONE thing to Tubman, what would it be and why?

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Utah Compose: The Best Gift

Log into, go to your creative writing II course and choose “The Best Gift” prompt. Choose “story outline” for the graphic organizer for this narrative.
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ELA 3-2-15

  • Journal 15
  • Sp.8- Ex. 4- cursive (Test Wednesday!)
  • Grammar: Commas 3-4 (p.586-89)
  • Read chapters 17-18 in Harriet Tubman
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ELA Journals 11-14

J11- Is Harriet Tubman a hero? Explain why or why not. Give examples.

J12- Compare/contrast yourself and Harriet Tubman. 3 similarities, 3 differences. Complete sentences.

J13- On page 129 in Harriet Tubman, find the 3 similes and write them. Then discuss why authors use figurative language.

J14- Is civil disobedience (breaking the law) ever justified? (The right thing to do.) Explain your answer. Use examples.
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