Grammar: Prep/Conj.1-2

Prepositions: p. 743 (1-5, 1-6)

Conjunctions 1: p. 745 (1-4, 1-4)

Conjunctions 2: p. 747 (1-10)

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Spelling Lesson 8

Group A

  1. antecedent
  2. epilogue
  3. episode
  4. premier
  5. protrude

Group B

  1. anterior
  2. premonition
  3. preamble
  4. prejudice
  5. procession

Group C

  1. epitaph
  2. anteroom
  3. presuppose
  4. premature
  5. prophet

Group D

  1. epistle
  2. epidermis
  3. prelude
  4. proposal
  5. protocol
Ex. 1- write words
Ex. 2- outline words
Ex. 3- accentuate PREfix
Ex. 4- cursive
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Health II Journals 8-11

HJ8- What do you enjoy about your family? What would you change if you could?

HJ9- Write a paragraph discussing what traits/qualities make up a “healthy family.”

HJ10- How do all of the food ads that we’re exposed to on a daily basic affect our food choices?
            1 paragraph. Give examples.

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Harriet Tubman Vocab 2

  1. Incentive- something that encourages somebody to action. Motivation.
  2. Contraband- illegal imports and exports; illegal trade.
  3. Inauspicious- promising failure or bad luck; discouraging.
  4. Adornment- embellishment, decoration. To enhance.
  5. Inscription– writing, dedication.
  6. Peddling- to sell goods; sometimes illegal things.
  7. Destitute– penniless; lacking necessities of life.
  8. Overseer– a person who directed the work of slaves on a plantation.
  9. Emancipation– to free from slavery.
  10. Meager– lacking in quantity or quality. Lean or thin.
  11. Perilous– full of danger or risk. Exposed to imminent risk of disaster or ruin.
1- Guessinitions + word and definition
2- Sentences
3- Pics
4- Sentences –using word as it’s used in the novel

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Journals 1-7

HJ1-What are some common health problems for teens? Describe someone who you deem healthy. What makes them healthy?

HJ2-Compare major causes of death 100 years ago to major causes of death currently. How have they changed? Why?

HJ3- Describe a time you felt afraid. A time you felt guilty.

HJ4- Discuss some things that cause you stress.

HJ5- What advice would you give someone who is about to give a public speech and is experiencing some anxiety about it.

HJ6- What is a mental disorder? Give examples.

HJ7- Why is it important to feel connected to your school? What could some consequences be of NOT feeling connected to your school?

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Chapter 3 Notes/Vocab




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ELA Journals 6-10

J6- What do the muskrats in chapter 4 represent? And what might the author be foreshadowing with this metaphor?

J7- Discuss what you like most, and least, about the novel thus far.

J8- Describe who Harriet Tubman is, and what the Underground Railroad is, to someone who has never heard of it before.

J9- “Eye for an eye…” Explain what this means and whether you agree with it or not. Justify your opinion.

J10- Summarize chapters 8-10. (5W’s and H)
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Spelling Lesson 7

Group A

  1. centigrade
  2. decimal
  3. kiloliter
  4. monolith
  5. monarch

Group B

  1. centimeter
  2. deciliter
  3. kilowatt
  4. monopoly
  5. myriad

Group C

  1. decade
  2. duet
  3. milligram
  4. monotone
  5. semiannual

Group D

  1. decimeter
  2. duplex
  3. milliliter
  4. monologue
  5. semiprecious
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ELA 2-3-15

  • Read ch.4 in Harriet Tubman.
  • Journal 6
  • Spelling 7: Ex. 1- write words
  • Grammar: Verb/Adv Review- p.740, 1-25
  • Vocab1: Ex. 3-Sentence  
  • HOMEWORK: Vocab ex.4-Write word-one synonym, and one antonym. Due Thursday! Vocab QUIZ is THURSDAY!
  • Update Timeline and Character Profile Chart
  • Read: Ch. 5
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Homework: Stressed Out!

Have sources of stressed changed over the years?

1. Make a list of the top five everyday problems that cause stress in your daily life.

2. Interview one or two adults and ask them to recall the top five everyday problems they faced in high school.

3. Write a paragraph that compares the problems you listed with the problems the adults listed. Based on this comparison, would you say that sources of everyday stress have changed, or stayed the same? Explain.


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