Anne Frank Vocab 2:

  1. Glutton- greedy person. Food lover.
  2. Mediate- to intervene; to resolve conflict.
  3. Enamored- to be in love with somebody; captivated.
  4. Antagonize- to provoke anger or arouse somebody’s hostility
  5. Calligraphy- skill of handwriting, lettering.
  6. Egotistical- narcissistic, conceited, selfish person.
  7. Seethe- to be angry, fume.
  8. Incriminate- to make appear guilty; accuse of wrongdoing.


Ex. 1- Guessinations + word and definition

Ex. 2- Sentences

Ex. 3- Synonym + Antonym

Ex. 4- Pics

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Writing Journals 5-9

DW5- Write a story with the phrase “…I grabbed the rake and went after him/her/it…” in it somewhere.


DW7- Describe fall weather using: at least 1 simile, 1 metaphor, 1 hyperbole.

DW8- Describe a Thanksgiving feast using the 5 senses.

DW9- Thankful four… (Trace hand and write in 4 things you’re thankful for.)
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Elaboration in Essays: Utah Compose

Log in to

Go to your Language Arts class and then the ‘Lessons’ tab.
 –choose the ‘Elaboration Techniques in Essays’ lesson.

Here is the assignment that you will do on a separate piece of paper as you complete the lesson.

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Utah Compose: After-School Clubs essay

Log in to Utah Compose ( and go to your Language Arts class. You’ll find this essay prompt under the ‘practice’ tab.

Essay must be at least 3 “fat” paragraphs! 

You need to revise 2 times to see if you can get a higher score before your final submission.

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ELA 11-10-14

  • J6- Response Journal #1 (on unit outline)
  • Grammar: Verbs 3- p. 724-25, 1-9 (collected verbs 2 and verbs 3)
  • Vocab 1: Ex. 4- Synonyms. Look up two synonyms for each vocabulary word.            QUIZ on Wednesday!
  • Finish reading scene 3 in Anne Frank.
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ELA Agenda 11-6-14 (HOMEWORK!)

  • Journal 5
  • Memorize poem to line 7
  • Spelling 3 TEST
  • Grammar: Verb3 (p722-23, 1-13)
  • HOMEWORK: Vocab1-Ex.3: Pics
  • Read Anne Frank, Scene III
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Writing Journals 1-4

Remember-Daily Writings are 1/2 page!

DW1- Describe the day and the life of a Halloween character.

Dw2- Write a ‘thank you’ letter to someone, anyone. Letter format.

DW3- Describe (using DETAILS) some fall traditions that you have.
(family, friends, foods, holiday, sports, etc.)

DW4- Write a letter to ____________ from a turkey’s point-of-view convincing them to eat something else for Thanksgiving!
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ELA Journals 1-5

J1- How would you react/feel if the government announced that all those with blue eyes were no longer considered U.S. citizens, and therefore had no more rights? (1/2 page response)

J2- How would this (previous journal) affect society/economy/nation?

J3- Explain stereotyping/discrimination. What experiences have you had, either directly or indirectly with either of these? (1/2 page)

J4- “Terrible Things” poem. 10 quesitons

J5- “First They Came for the Jews” poem. 3 questions

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ELA 11-4-14

  • Journal 4
  • Poem practice: memorize to line 6.5
  • Spelling 3/Ex. 4: Mirror  (TEST IS THURSDAY!)
  • Read scenes 1-2
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Creative Writing Disclosure

Creative Writing II 2014-15 Disclosure
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