ELA 9-23-14

  • Journal 13
  • Spelling 2: Ex. 1-write words
  • Grammar: Pronouns 3– Review (p710-711: 1-5, 1-8)
  • Reading: Chapters 13-16 Prepare lit circle roles for Thursday.

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Spelling Lesson 2

Group A

  1. controller
  2. patrolled
  3. forbidden
  4. conferred
  5. preferred

Group B

  1. unforgettable
  2. deferred
  3. expelled
  4. transmitting
  5. deterring

Group C

  1. occasionally
  2. occurring
  3. incurred
  4. propeller
  5. admitting

Group D

  1. omitted
  2. permitted
  3. acquitted
  4. overlapping
  5. handicapped
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Literature Circle 4 Make-up Assignment

In Chapter 11 Karim talks about a “shift” that he feels:

“For a long moment, neither of them spoke, and in the silence, Karim felt something shift. Up till now, they’d been mere children, watching the struggle from the sidelines, keeping out of trouble as their parents had always urged them to do. The approach of manhood, Jamal had said.” (p91)

What is this shift that they are feeling? Why are they feeling it? Why were they on the sidelines and not anymore? Have you felt something similar to this? why/why not?

(1 page typed. 1 page front and back if written.)

*attach this essay to your role and turn in.
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ELA 9-19-14

  • Journal 12
  • Grammar: Pronouns 2 (p.708-709)
  • Vocab Ex. 2: In context-write sentence the word is used in when you find them in book.
  • Lit Circle Discussion 4
  •             -if absent alternative assignment is posted.
  • Assign new roles and start reading ch. 13-16
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Journals 10-14

J10- Venn Diagram: Compare/contrast Karim and Hopper’s home lives. How are the similar/different?

J11- Why does the video game Lineman mean so much to Karim?

J12- Karim is taking risks to impress Hopper. Describe a time that you’ve taken a risk to impress someone.

J13- Now that we know about Hopper’s brother, does this shed any light on why he may have planted the “bomb?”

J14- Why does Hopper’s family keep the key? What would you take/keep if you were forced from your home?
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Vocabulary 2

  1. Gesticulate– to make gestures; body movement communicating something. Wave, motion, signal.
  2. Mosque– Muslim place of worship.
  3. Viscous– Thick and sticky. Gelatinous, gluey.
  4. Galvanized– stimulate somebody to act. Spurred, roused.
  5. Militant– aggressive; involved in fighting. Confrontational, radical.
  6. Eliciting– provoke a reaction; to draw out. Causing, prompting.
  7. Befogged– confuse; to cover with fog.
  8. Ostentatious– rich and showy. Flashy.
  9. Mercurial– lively and unpredictable. Containing mercury.
1- Word and definition.
2- In context of novel.
3- Sentence
4- Paraphrase

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Literature Circle 3: Make-up Assignment

In a 1 page essay (2 pages typed), discuss this passage from chapter 8:

  “Endurance. That’s what takes courage. Decency among ourselves. That’s where we must be strong. When they steal from us and try to humiliate us, the real shame is on themselves.”

  • Who says this? What is he referring to?
  • Explain passage- why does endurance take more courage than fighting sometimes?
  • Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

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Grammar: Nouns 1 and 2

Grammar book page 702-705:

p. 703 Concrete and Abstract 1-5; Compound and Collective 1-5 (refer to p. 702)

p. 705 Uses of Nouns 1-11 (refer to p. 704)

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Journals 6-10

J6- Describe the refugee camps. Who’s there? Why? What are the conditions like?

J7- Who do you tell your secrets to? Why?

J8- What place feels like home to you? What makes it feel that way?

J9- Is Abu Feisal a character that we’re supposed to admire, or feel sorry for? Explain.

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Journals 6-10

HJ6-Discuss 3 healthy choices you made over the extended weekend.

HJ7-List 3 of the 6 Essential Nutrients. Give a food example for each nutrient.

HJ8-List 3 benefits of being physically active.

HJ9- What are the 5 food groups?

HJ10- What is an eating disorder?
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