Utah Write: Quotation Marks

Utah Write: Lessons: Conventions: Beginner: Quotation Marks

On a separate piece of paper:

  1. Write the 10 rules for quotations marks. (Note: the last three rules aren’t numbered.)
  2. Write 5 correct versions of the 15 practice sentences. (But do them all!)
  3. Write 1 correct version of the 3 practice dialogues. (But do them all!)
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Six Traits: Word Choice

Here is the link:

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Intro to Column Writing

Article 20- find and read a column article. For A20 you will describe the column you found, where you found it, and what you liked/disliked about it.

Then you will move on to the following assignment:

Introduction to Column Writing

You will need the following articles to complete the assignment (on a separate piece of paper):

How to Write Opinion Columns that Keep the Reader Engaged

Lucy Mangan-How to be a columnist

Column Writing Tips

Turn in when done.
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J17- Describe factors of your personality that affect how you handle stress.

J18- Create 2 lists: 1- three healthy eating habits. 2- three unhealthy eating habits.

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Journals 17-21

J17- Free Write

J18- Describe you favorite weather using your 5 senses. Include 1 metaphor and 1 simile.

J19- Compare/Contrast your favorite season with your favorite food.

J20- What if spring fever were a real illness? Describe this illness and its symptoms.

J21- Spring cleaning: what are 3 things that you need to get rid of? Why is it time to sell or give/throw away these items?

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Feature Article Peer Review Check-off

Click below to access the peer review:

Peer Review Check
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Research Project/Paper

Due March 20th (A-day) and March 21st (B-day)

Informative/Explanatory Writing

Criteria for Research Project/Paper:

This research project will be in the form of an 8-minute multimedia presentation:

a)    Purpose: to inform

b)    Pick a topic—an event, issue, or person related to slavery, the abolition of slavery, civil war, or civil rights—that you are interested in and would like to learn more about.

c)    Research and create a power point presentation that has at least 10 informational slides, including a resource citation slide. (One sentence for each slide will not receive full credit.) *Make sure you have a title page that includes your topic and name.

d)    Will need to use (and cite) at least three reputable resources.

e)    HAVE FUN! This is an area that is full of interesting, applicable issues and ideas! Try to ENJOY and learn something while doing this project!


a)    A 2 page, 1.5 spaced research paper, same criteria applies.

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Spelling 10

Group A

  1. benefactor
  2. colleague
  3. commute
  4. communal
  5. contradict

Group B

  1. benign
  2. collections
  3. comment
  4. commencement
  5. contraband

Group C

  1. contrast
  2. benefit
  3. collaborate
  4. commitment
  5. eulogy

Group D

  1. collision
  2. commodity
  3. commerce
  4. contrary
  5. euphoria
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Health Journals 11-17

HJ11- List the 6 nutrients and give a food example of each.

HJ12- Discuss what you’ve learned about portion sizes. How do portions sizes contribute our nation’s obesity epidemic.

HJ13- Describe two healthy way to “diet.”


HJ15- List and describe the 2 main eating disorders.


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Health Journals 11-16

HJ11-Using the 5 traits, describe your personality.

HJ12- List 3 things that would make you feel better about yourself.

HJ13- How do you express, or cope with, strong emotions?

HJ14-Why are defense mechanisms harmful if used too often?

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