Journals 12-16

J12- Free Write

J13- Describe a time you outsmarted or “outfoxed” someone.

J14- Write about a day in the life of a misfit.

J15- Write and inner dialogue of an icicle in the springtime. Show the emotional journey that it surely experiences!

J16- You are an animal in a zoo. What animal are you? What is your life like?
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Journals 11-16

J11- Eye for an Eye: agree or disagree? Why?

J12- Compare/contrast yourself with Harriet Tubman. What traits do you have in common? How do you differ?

J13- Write the 3 similes on p. 129 in Harriet Tubman. Then write three of your own for Harriet Tubman.

J14- Is civil disobedience ever justified? Why or why not? Give examples.

J15- Would you have assisted with the Underground Railway? Why or why not?

J16- How might the world be different if Harriet Tubman never existed?
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Journalism Agenda 2-26-14

1. Find your own article for A14- again, make sure that it is a feature article. Summarize and respond to it in your article journal.

2. Finish/continue on with research for your feature article. Make sure to create interview questions if you will need to conduct interviews.

3. Start writing your article! Remember to refer to older journalism posts here on my blog if you have questions regarding criteria or feature articles in general! Use your resources in order to ensure that this article is phenomenal!

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Sample DWA Responses

Go to these DWA responses:


Read through them. You will analyze three of them in a one paragraph response. One paragraph EACH.


1. lower-scoring

2. middle-scoring

3. high-scoring

…to analyze. Discuss the things that hindered (weaknesses), and helped (strengths), the score of each essay.

3. Finally, in 2-3 sentences discuss what you took away from reading these essays? What will you more mindful of while writing your essay?

When you finish this. Go to Utah Write: Lessons: Intermediate: Appositives and complete the lesson.

On the same piece of paper, write:

1. One example from Exercise 1

2. One example from Exercise 2

3. One example from Exercise 3

4. Summarize what an appositive is and when you would want to utilize them.

5. How can you use appositives in you DWA essay?

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J6- Write 3 similes and 3 metaphors.

J7- Free Write

J8- Discuss the best part of the novel so far.

J9- Describe Harriet to someone who has never heard of her.

J10- Is Harriet Tubman a hero? Discuss why or why not.
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Feature Article Criteria

1. 4 pages, 11 pt. default font, 1.5 spacing


2. Must contain quotes from at least two different sources. Here is a link to a website that you can visit to review how to use quotations correctly: Quotations


3. Must be properly researched. At least three difference sources of information, in addition to your own knowledge and experience with the subject.


4. Original title.


5. At least one image/visual. (picture/chart/diagram/etc.)

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Spelling 9

Group A

  1. abhor
  2. abstain
  3. affirmative
  4. announcement
  5. annul


Group B

  1. abolish
  2. absolve
  3. affiliate
  4. annotate

10. antibiotic


Group C

11. absurd

12. affable

13. aggravate

14. annihilate

15. antihistamine



16. abstract

17. affluent

18. aggressive

19. annex

20. antisocial

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Utah Write: Elaboration in Essays/Punctuation

Go to Utah Write:

Here are the assignments for the lessons: (To be written on a separate piece of paper.)

Utah Write: Elaboration in Essays

         Lessons: Advanced: Elaboration in Essays

  1. Write a 1-2 sentence summary on what you learned for each part. (There are two parts.)
  2. Define:
    1. A refutation-
    2. Rhetorical question-
  3. List 3 other ways in which one can elaborate in essays. (Hint: evidence!)


Utah Write: Punctuation Practice

         Lessons: Grammar: Intermediate: Punctuation Sets 1-3

  1. For each set (three) write:
    1. The rule of one that you got wrong.
    2. The rule of one that you got right. J


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Utah Write: Conventions/Sentences

Go to Utah Write:

Here are the assignments for the lessons: (To be written on a separate piece of paper.)

Utah Write: Conventions

         Lesson: Intermediate: Conventions

  1. Capitalization: write all the rules for capitalization.
  2. Quotation Marks: Write all the rules for quotation marks.


Utah Write: Sentences

         Lessons: Intermediate: Sentences

  1. Sentence Variety: List 3 ways we can make sentences more interesting. Write an example for each. (You may us an example from the exercises you do…)
  2. Run-ons: 1. List the different types of run-on sentences. 2 List all of the ways in which we can FIX run-ons.


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