Journals 1-5

J1- Write instructions on how you make the breakfast that you ate this morning. Use 5 transitions. Underline them.

J2- Define freedom. What does freedom mean to you on a personal level?

J3- Define bravery. Describe someone whom you consider brave.

J4-Discuss some character traits of Harriet Tubman that you admire. Why do you admire these character traits?

J5- Read p. 29 in H. T.   What does the author mean when she says, “Ideas are contagious…particularly those  that have to do with the rights of man…”?

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Journals 1-6

J1- 10 goals for 2014

J2- What is one piece of advice that has stuck with you? Why?

J3- What is one talent/skill that you with you had? Do you plan on learning this skill?

J4- Write about something that’s made you smile recently.

J5- What has been your favorite age so far? Why? Would you stay that age forever if given the opportunity?

J6- List 10 things you wish people knew about you. Pick one and write a paragraph about why you wish people knew that about you.

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Spelling Lesson 8

Group A

  1. Centigrade
  2. Decimal
  3. Kiloliter
  4. Monolith
  5. Monarch

Group B

  1. Centimeter
  2. Deciliter
  3. Kilowatt
  4. Monopoly

10. Myriad

Group C

11. Decade

12. Duet

13. Milligram

14. Monotone

15. Semiannual

Group D

16. Decimeter

17. Duplex

18. Milliliter

19. Monologue

20. Semiprecious

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Interview Questions

Subject:  Reading


  1. What type of books do you read?
  2. How often do you read?
  3. What’s your favorite series?
  4. What’s your favorite book?
  5. Do you read for fun or homework?
  6. Favorite author?
  7. Where do you like to read?
  8. What’s the longest book you’ve read?
  9. Why do you read?

10. Do you like to read with others?

11. Do you prefer long books or short books?

12. Favorite genre?


Subject: Personal Profile


  1. What is your profession?
  2. What’s your favorite color?
  3. Have you ever moved?
  4. Where have you lived?
  5. How many people are in your family?
  6. Where/when were you born?
  7. Vacations?
  8. How old are you?
  9. What are your interests/hobbies?

10. Relationship? Past relationships?

11. How many jobs?

12. What are your talents/skills?

13. Pet peeves?

14. Did you go to college? Degree?

15. Who do you look up to? Heros?

16. Leader or follower?

17. Most affective president? Why?

18. Favorite instrument?

19. Favorite movie or tv show?

20. What kind of music do you like/listen to?

21. What kind of grades do you/did you get?

22. Anything extra?

23. Schools attended?

24. Religious  beliefs?

25. Favorite subject in school?

26. Free time?

27. Race?

28. Political stance?

29. Career? Goals?

30. What would you do if you were guaranteed success?

31. Favorite food? Restaurant?

32. Daily routine?

33. What would you do with a million dollars?

34. Had any “work” done?

35. Pets?

36. One day left to live, what would you do?

37. How much do you make?

38. Favorite brands of clothes/shoes?

39. Are you close with family members?

40. Anecdotes/experiences from your life that have made you who you are?


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Subject-Verb Agreement Review

Go to this website:

Review all of the rules that we’ve gone over for subject-verb agreement and then go to the FIRST quiz (at the bottom).

One a separate piece of paper, title it “Sub-Verb Agreement Quiz 1” and number 1-13, take the quiz—writing your answers on your paper as you go. (Hint: this quiz tells you if you get them wrong and reviews why, you should all end up with 100% by the time you’re done!)

Then you’ll move on to quiz 2 and complete it in the same way. Label it “Quiz 2” and number 1-12. It is slightly different, but similar in that it will tell you if you are right/wrong and why.

Turn in your answers to both quizzes when you’re done.
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Health and Wellness Vocabulary

  1. lifestyle disease-a disease caused partly by unhealthy behaviors.
  2. risk factor- anything that increases the likelihood of injury, disease, or other health problems.
  3. Sedentary- not taking part in physical activity on a regular basis.
  4. Health- the state of well-being in which all of the components of health—physical, mental/emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental—are all in balance.
  5. Value- a strong belief or ideal.
  6. Wellness- the achievement of a person’s best in all six components of health.
  7. Health literacy- Knowledge of health information needed to make good choices about your health.
  8. Public Health- the practice of protecting and improving the health of people in a community.
  9. Advocate- to speak or argue in favor of something.
  10. Public service announcement (PSA)- a message created to educate people about an issue.
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Disease Illness Vocab

Disease and Illness Prevention Unit Vocabulary:


  1. Communicable disease- a disease that is caused by the direct or indirect spread of pathogens from one person to another.


  1. Non-communicable disease- a disease that is not caused by ­pathogens and not transmitted through contact.
  1. Pathogen- tiny microorganisms that invade the body and attack its cells and tissues, including bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses.
  1. Prevention- practicing healthy habits to stay free of illness and disease.
  1. Disorder- normal function is impaired.
  1. Epidemic- sudden out break of disease that is more than expected.
  1. Pandemic- sudden geographically widespread outbreak of disease.
  1. Symptoms- observable changes in body functions that signal disease or illness.


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Spelling 7

Spelling 7– Greek/Latin Roots


  1. equal
  2. chant
  3. local
  4. verbal
  5. satisfy
  6. equation
  7. cantor
  8. credible
  9. possible

10. dislocate

11. effusive

12. inspire

13. persist

14. spirit

15. potent

16. incredulous

17. transfusion

18. negate

19. persevere

20. perceive

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Sub-Verb Agreement 3 and 4


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J1- List all of the body systems that you know. (hint: there are 10)

J2- When it comes to the body systems, what does the term “interdependence” mean?

J3- What body system so far seems the most interesting to you? Why?

J4- List 3 things that you’ve learned so far from the presentations we’ve had on body systems.

J5- Discuss your two favorite, or at least most interesting, things that you’ve learned in health I this year.
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