A Wrinkle in Time vocabulary 1

Vocabulary 1: A Wrinkle in Time- Vocabulary 1
  1. Assimilate- incorporate. Integrate new knowledge (or person) with what is already in place.
  2. Avid- eager or enthusiastic about something.
  3. Dilapidated- run down, ruined or decay; result of neglect.
  4. Frivoling- to spend or waste something in a foolish, or frivolous, way.
  5. Gamboled- to leap or skip around playfully.
  6. Scudded- to move swiftly and smoothly.
  7. Supine- lying on the back, face upward. Palm of had facing upward or away from body. Passive or inactive.
  8. Corporeal- relating to or involving the physical body rather than the mind.
  9. Ephemeral- short-lived; lasting for only a short period of time, leaving no permanent trace.
  10. Ineffable- indescribable. Unable to express in words.
  11. Inexorable- impossible to stop.
  12. Enfolded-to surround or enclose somebody or something. To embrace.
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Pre-reading Questions

  1. Predict what the story might be about just by hearing the title. (3+ sentences)
  2. Are you interested in any of the following:
    1. Stories about travel through space and time?
    2. Stories about children who are extraordinary?
    3. Stories that require you to use your imagination and suspend your disbelief?
    4. Stories about the power of love?
*Discuss each of these that interest you and why they interest you.
  1. Would you ever:
    1. Invite a very unusual stranger into your house in the middle of the night?
    2. Fight to defend members of your family?
    3. Travel to a place in time and space that you know nothing about and from which a safe return cannot be guaranteed?
    4. Stand up to an incredibly powerful, and malicious, adversary when you know your chances of survival are slim?
*Discuss which of these you might ever attempt and why? (Example…”B. I would defend my family […or my sister/brother/etc.] because…)
  1. Have you ever met someone truly extraordinary? Describe your experience in detail.
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Journals 1-5

J1- Which do you think is most important in determining a person’s character: family background, environment, religion, economic condition, ethnicity? J2- How does lack of money affect a person? How would it change you? J3- What strengths/weaknesses might come from the struggle of poverty? J4- How might writing an autobiography help a person give order and meaning to their life? J5- How have race relations changed in our nation since the Civil Rights Movement in the 50’s and 60’s?
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Journals 1-5

J1- Tell a story that involves: a lost ring, a fear of dogs, a dentist. J2- A babysitter is snooping around at her employer’s house and finds… J3- Your character starts recieving flowers and anonymous gifts… J4- Tell a story that involves: a taxit, a secret diary, peppermints. J5- It’s your character’s first day at a new school. She wanted a fresh start, to escape her past, but…
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Spelling 21

Spelling 21- 9th grade
  1. Accurate
  2. Civilization
  3. Eighth
  4. Medical
  5. Heroic
  6. Representative
  7. Traffic
  8. Achievement
  9. Commencement
  10. Eliminate
  11. Hindrance
  12. Miniature
  13. Pigeon
  14. Requirement
  15. Twelfth
  1. Suspense
  2. Questionnaire
  3. Superintendent
  4. Sufficient
  5. Precisely
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Spelling 18

Spelling 18- 8th Grade
  1. Auditor
  2. Exorbitant
  3. Molecular
  4. Ordinance
  5. Republican
  6. Documentary
  7. Insecticide
  8. Optician
  9. Publicity
  10. Suburban
  11. Dominion
  12. Juvenile
  13. Option
  14. Quarantine
  15. Vermin
  1. Exhilarated
  2. Opulent
  3. Regime
  4. Verdict
  5. Maximum
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Spelling 22

Spelling 22- 7th grade
  1. Quarter
  2. Pedestrian
  3. Century
  4. Gradual
  5. Annual
  6. United
  7. Animated
  8. Magnify
  9. Factory
  10. Manual
  11. Quadrangle
  12. Quadruped
  13. Centipede
  14. Centigrade
  15. Anniversary
  1. Universal
  2. Unanimous
  3. Magnanimous
  4. Manufacture
  5. Manuscript
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Journals 35-39

J35- What type of personality traits are important for someone who is going into teaching? J36- Is there a personality trait/characteristic about yourself you wish you could change? J37- How has belonging to this particular culture shaped you as an individual? J38- Are there any aspects of your culture/community that you would change? J39- What do you like/dislike about short stories?  
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Journals 19-21

J19- Write: 3 phrases, 3 dependent clauses, 3 independent clauses. J20- Notes on “Citing Sources” Brainpop. J21- Notes on presentations.
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Journals 34-38

J34- Write about you weekend. Circle ALL pronouns. J35- What makes someone a winner? J36- Write about someone you know who you would consider a winner. J37- What does your name mean? What is the significance of, or story behind, your name? J38- What is a personal essay? What might be included in  personal essay?
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