Journals 39-43

J39- What is your favorite thing to do at the beach? Or your favorite beach memory? J40- What are some advantages/disadvantages of living on the beach? J41- What kind of “Beach Creature” would you be? J42- Think of 3 educational purposes for a class field trip to the beach? Persuade your teacher/principal why we should take a field trip to the beach. J43- Describe/plan the perfect beach party.
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How to cite a website:

How to Cite a Website in MLA Structure: Last name, First name. “Article Title.” Website Title. Publisher of Website, Day Month Year article was published. Web. Day Month Year article was accessed. <URL>.   Example:
  • Cain, Kevin. “The Negative Effects of Facebook on Communication.” Social Media Today RSS N.p., 29 June 2012. Web. 02 Jan. 2013.
  Make sure to:
  • Only include the URL if the source cannot be found easily.
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Criteria for Research Project

Criteria for Research Project: This research project will be in the form of a 5 minute multimedia presentation:
  1. Pick an area related to slavery, the abolition of slavery, civil war, or civil rights that you would like to learn more about.
  2. Must have at least 10 informational slides, including a resource citation slide. (One measily little sentence for each slide will not receive full credit.)
  3. Will need to discuss, and reference (and cite) at least three reputable resources.
  4. HAVE FUN! This is an area that is full of interesting, applicable issues and ideas! Try to ENJOY and learn something from this project!
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Journals 30-34

J30- Write about your weekend using: 2 common, 2 proper, 2 abstract, 2 concrete NOUNS. J31- ABC story J32- Compare/Contrast the personalities of your parents. Use a Venn Diagram. Then write about the comparisons. J33- Why do people write short stories? How are they different from novels? J34- Free Write
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Journals 15-19

J15- Write about your weekend using: 2 compound subject, 2 compound predicate, and 2 compound sentences. J16- ABC Story J17- Compare/Contrast personalities of your parents. Use a Venn Diagram. Then write about comparisons. J18-
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Journals 30-34

J30- Is unhappiness a sickness? J31- Do people interact with others differently when they’re sad? Do you? J32- Evaluate the ending of “What do Fish…”. Good? Bad? Why? J33-
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Journals 34-38

J34- What kind of people do you like to hang out with? J35- Describe personality/character traits that are good to have for someone who goes into teaching. J36- Compare/Contrast personalities of your parents. Venn diagram, then 1/2 page write up. J37- Would you rather be boring and unintelligent, but GREAT LOOKING; or have a KNOCK OUT personality, but be ordinary looking? J38- If you could change some things about your personality, or character traits, what would you change?
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Elements of Fiction Vocabulary~ p. 351-52 Write Source
  1. Antagonist
  2. Protagonist
  3. Setting
  4. Character
  5. Characterization
  6. Conflict
  7. Foil
  8. Mood
  9. Tone
  10. Theme
  11. Narrator
  12. Plot
  13. Point of view
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Figurative Language Rap!

Go Mckayla and Chloe! trim.OTX3Ze
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