Harriet Tubman Vocabulary 2

Harriet Tubman Vocabulary 2:
  1. Incentive- something that encourages somebody to action. Motivation.
  2. Contraband- illegal imports and exports; illegal trade.
  3. Secession- withdrawal of Southern States from Union.
  4. Inauspicious- promising failure or bad luck
  5. Daguerreotype-early photographic process, photograph of something, somebody.
  6. Adornment- embellishment, decoration. To enhance.
  7. Haversack– bag carried on back.
  8. Inscription– writing, dedication.
  9. Peddling- to sell goods; sometimes illegal things.
  10. Destitute-penniless; lacking necessities of life.
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Spelling 16

Spelling 16- 8th grade 1. coauthor 2. collateral 3. copilot 4. symptom 5. synagogue 6. coexist 7. coordinate 8. syllable 9. synchronize 10. coherent 11. cooperative 12. symphonic 13. synthesis 14. syncopate 15. coincide Honors~
  1. symbolize
  2. symposium
  3. syntax
  4. syllabus
  5. symmetry
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Spelling 19

Spelling 19- 9th Grade
  1. Abundant
  2. Category
  3. Dominant
  4. Grammatically
  5. Gentleman
  6. Maneuver
  7. Persistent
  8. Regard
  9. Register
  10. Symphony
  11. Temperature
  12. Acquaintance
  13. Poison
  14. Mansion
  15. Grateful
  1. Endeavor
  2. Commissioner
  3. Humorist
  4. Mischievous
  5. Embroidery
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Spelling 20

Spelling 20- 7th Grade
  1. Justice
  2. Juice
  3. Jumbo
  4. Jacket
  5. Journal
  6. Pajamas
  7. Rejoice
  8. Injury
  9. Challenge
  10. Damage
  11. marriage
  12. Judge
  13. Pledge
  14. bridge
  15. badge
  1. juvenile
  2.  conjunction
  3.  language
  4.  mileage
  5. dodge
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Grapes of Wrath Final Paper

Grapes of Wrath Final Paper Choose one of these options:
  1. Write an opinion/analysis paper
    1. 2-3 pages/1.5 spacing/12pt Ariel font
    2. Topic choices:
  2. 1. Describe the role women play throughout this novel. Be sure to comment on the significance of Rose of Sharon’s final act in the novel. 2. Explain the importance of the contrast between the dryness of the first part of the novel and the floods of the final part. Note also the frequent references to the sun as a “large red drop” that made a cloud look like a bloody rag and the earth look bloody. How do these images contribute to the meaning of the novel?
  1. Write a 5 paragraph persuasive essay
    1. 1.5-2 pages/1.5 spacing/12pt Ariel font
    2. Topic: Some Americans believe this novel is dirty, blasphemous, advocates a communistic society, and therefore should not be taught in high schools. Explain to parents and educators in your town why you feel the novel should be read and studied in you high school, or explain to a group of teachers/educators why you feel the novel should not be required.
  1. Write a short story about:
    1. What happens to the Wilsons after the Joads leave them behind.
    2. Where Connie or Noah end up.
    3. Topic of your choice- okay it through me first.
i. 3-4 pages/1.5 spacing/12pt Ariel font  
  1. Create a series of journal entries from one of the main characters
    1. 3-4 pages*, journal entry format, dated
    2. Authentic (language, way of life, surroundings, environment, etc)l
    3. Show character growth/development.
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Figurative Language Website

Here is the link to the website you will use for the figurative language assignment we will be working on Wednesday and Thursday: http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112392/   1. Click on each figurative language element (ex. simile) and learn about it. 2. Then go to “practice” and click on the examples that are correct examples of each element. If you were correct, write it down on your paper. 3. After writing down all of the correct examples, go to “examples”. 4. Read all of the poems that have that particular figurative language element littered throughout, then write down the title of your favorite poem. Now go this this website: http://www.missspott.com/figurativelanguage.html and do the activity for ‘hyperbole’ and ‘idiom’. Then go back here: http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112392/ and take the quiz. Number the questions, write the figurative language element and the correct answer next to it.    
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Journals 22-26

J22- Discuss  time in which you were conscious of  your goals/dreams changing. J23- Do you think you would have been tempted to “ride the rails” if you were a teen in the 30s? J24- Are we as aware of the different ‘classes’ in today’s society as they were 70 years ago? J25- What make a book ‘great?’ J26- Free write
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Journals 24-27

J24- Make a list of 5 ‘simple pleasures.’ Pick on and write about it. Be as descriptive as possible. J25- Paint a pic (using figurative language/descriptive words) of your favorite meal. J26- Describe someone in lyou life that could qualify as a hero in your eyes. Be descriptive! (physical and character traits) J27- Animal profiles J28- Write about a specific, but ordinary, object with as much description as possible without saying what it is, or exactly what it does.
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Riding the Rails

Here is the link and subsequent questions for “Riding the Rails”: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/rails/player/ Questions: After watching “Riding the Rails”:
  1. In a compare/contrast T-chart:  compare the attitude of people toward hobos in the 1930s and the homeless of today. Then, sum up your comparisons in 2-3 sentences. Do you think they are treated differently? Why might that be?
  1. Write a diary entry or a letter to home from the point of view of a teenager during the 1930s who has run away to ride the rails. Remember to explain why you left and what you are experiencing. What are you hopes? What are your fears? (Must be at least 50 words.)
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Spelling 19

Spelling 19- 7th grade
  1. Antique
  2. Boutique
  3. Mosquito
  4. Etiquette
  5. Quite
  6. Quiet
  7. Quickly
  8. Quarterly
  9. Quarrel
  10. Quotation
  11. Quilted
  12. Aquarium
  13. Squirrel
  14. Equality
  15. Equator
  1. 16.   Banquet
  2. 17.   Ventriloquist
  3. 18.   Quotient
  4. 19.   Technique
  5. 20.   Bouquet
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