Spelling 18

Spelling 18-9th grade
  1. Absorption
  2. Absence
  3. Bulletin
  4. Calendar
  5. Distinction
  6. Distinguished
  7. Magnificence
  8. Maintenance
  9. Permanent
  10. Conceivable
  11. Reference
  12. Referring
  13. Syllable
  14. Unanimous
  15. Tyranny
  1. 16.   Ventriloquist
  2. 17.   Tournament
  3. 18.   Exhaustion
  4. 19.   Cordially
  5. 20.   Controversial
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Journals 20-21

J20- Why is Rose of Sharon’s feeding the starving man an appropriate and significant ending to this novel? J21- What is th irony or significance of the rain at the end of the novel? Symbolism of it?
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Journals 20-23

J20- Write about the visual (dead flowers). What do they make you think about? What comes to your mind when you see them? J21- Write about the worst thing that could happen on your way to school. J22- If you were to ever write a book, what would it be about? J23- What is the medium in which you prefer to express yourself? (writing, music, dance, drawing, etc…)
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Journals 15-19

J15- Are all humans connected in a raw, fundamental way? …despite our differences. How? J16- What is “home” to you? J17- Is all worldly pleasure a sin, as John Casey believes it to be? J18- Discuss the theme of ‘anger’ in the novel? Where and how is anger portrayed? J19- Are words powerful? Should they be? Do we give them too much power?
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Spelling 17

Spelling 17- 9th grade
  1. Fundamentally
  2. Gasoline
  3. Merit
  4. Pertain
  5. Rehearsal
  6. Technique
  7. Vacant
  8. Vacancy
  9. Missile
  10. Hygiene
  11. etiquette
  12. criticize
  13. principal
  14. principle
  15. exercise
  1. consistent
  2. consistency
  3. primitive
  4. laborious
  5. benefited
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Spelling 18

Spelling 18- 7th Grade
  1. Appreciate
  2. Appetite
  3. Apparatus
  4. Apparently
  5. Appropriately
  6. Opponent
  7. Opportunity
  8. Correspond
  9. Correction
  10. Irrigation
  11. Irregular
  12. Illegal
  13. Collapse
  14. College
  15. Supported
  1. Approximately
  2. Supposed
  3. Irritate
  4. Illustration
  5. Collection
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Journals 14-20

J14- Can humans sometimes be monsters? How? J15- Free Write! J16- What makes a gift special? J17- What is the most special gift you’ve ever been given? J18- What is the most special gift you’ve ever given? J19-Describe your morning, using cause & effect. J20- How do you knwo when someone is a true friend?
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Journals 15-19

J15- You are going to lose all of your 5 senses except one, and you get to choose which one you keep. Which sense would you pick and why? J16- Imagine you just learned the world is going to end on Saturday. How are you going to spend the rest of this week? J17- Write a letter to someone you wish you could spend more time with. J18- You just discovered that you were lied to about something huge. What is it, and what do you do? J19- Write a poem. Any kind of poem. About anything. 🙂
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Journals 9-13

J9- What turns a crowd into a mob? Describe a time when you witnessed, or were involved in, a mob. J10- In a story, what is the conflict? Does a story have to have a conflict? J11- Have you ever heard a a scary story that you didn’t really believe, but it scared you anyway? J12- Have you ever worried that someone might think that something about you is odd or different? J13- How do fear and mob mentality change the way people interpret and react to the behavior of others?  
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Spelling 16

Spelling 16- 9th grade
  1. Stretch
  2. Questionnaire
  3. Proposition
  4. Liveliest
  5. Liability
  6. Island
  7. Inquiry
  8. Nuisance
  9. Obstacle
  10. Forfeit
  11. Foreigner
  12. Ascend
  13. Breathe
  14. Analysis
  15. Definitely
  1. Etiquette
  2. Dividend
  3. Ecstasy
  4. Cocoon
  5. Handkerchief
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