Spelling 17

Spelling 17- 7th grade
  1. Congratulate
  2. Continent
  3. Connection
  4. Common
  5. Communicate
  6. Command
  7. Compatible
  8. Complicated
  9. Instinct
  10. Inspection
  11. Innumerable
  12. Immeasurable
  13. Immobile
  14. Immature
  15. Impersonate
  1. Compliment
  2. Combination
  3. Impossibility
  4. Impression
  5. Imbalance

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DWA Scoring Guide- Six Traits of Writing

Click on the link below: Write the six traits that you will be scored on for the DWA. In 2-3 sentences per trait, briefly summarize or describe what each trait entails.  (example: 1. Trait brief summary or description of trait.)   http://www.utahwrite.com/Documents/ScoringGuide.pdf Due Friday February 8th. 20 pts.
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Journals 10-14

J10- Discuss a theme that stands out to you from this novel. (Change, family, dehumanization, etc) and discuss it. Use an example from the novel. J11- Of what importance is Muley? What’s the difference of being the hunter verses the hunted? J12- why do they burn their belongings, their history, before leaving for California? What does this represent? J13- How does each member of the Joad family feel about moving west? J14- Free Write!
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Journals 10-14

J10- Write a 1 page story using the words: crumpled, straw, paper, gravel, love, win, camel. J11- If you could invent something to help mankind, what would it be? J12- Describe a day of your life, in chronological order, 15 years from now. J13- There was onces a chance I didn’t take when… J14- List 5 characteristics that are good to have in a friend. Pick one and discuss why you feel this trait is important.
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Spelling 16

Spelling 16- 7th grade
  1. Adaptable
  2. Available
  3. Attainable
  4. Agreeable
  5. Regrettable
  6. Forgettable
  7. Adorable
  8. Advisable
  9. Excitable
  10. Noticeable
  11. Changeable
  12. Visible
  13. Audible
  14. Legible
  15. Edible
  1. Controllable
  2. Manageable
  3. Possible
  4. Credible
  5. Tangible
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Spelling 15

Spelling 15- 8th grade
  1. Anxiety
  2. Customer
  3. Diminish
  4. Entirely
  5. Expenses
  6. Controversial
  7. Customary
  8. Eloquent
  9. Equally
  10. Fallacy
  11. Courtesy
  12. Decision
  13. Eminent
  14. Excitable
  15. Source
  1. Cruel
  2. Defenseless
  3. Sophomore
  4. Excess
  5. Especially
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Spelling 15

Spelling 15- 9th grade
  1. Laconic
  2. Trite
  3. Belligerent
  4. Evince
  5. Fratricide
  6. Incisive
  7. Scourge
  8. Anguish
  9. Histrionics
  10. Polemic
  11. Shroud
  12. Bedlam
  13. Maudlin
  14. Maverick
  15. Mesmerize
  1. Nemesis
  2. Herculean
  3. Procrustean
  4. Agnostic
  5. Cognomen
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Grapes of Wrath- Historical Background

Post THREE notes from the Historical Background section in “Grapes…” here: Due by Friday February 1st.
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Grapes of Wrath Vocab 1

Grapes of Wrath Vocabulary 1
  1. Bemuse- to confuse or bewilder
  2. Perplexity- state of confusion or uncertainty
  3. Disperse- to drive or send off in various directions; to scatter.
  4. Furrow- to make wrinkles or grooves
  5. Protrude- to thrust forward; to project
  6. Quid- a portion of something intended to be chewed but not swallowed, such as tobacco
  7. Truculent- fierce, cruel
  8. Jalopy- an automobile that is old and unreliable
  9. Amend- to change for the better; to improve
  10. Cantankerous- ill-tempered and disagreeable
  11. Assail- to attack violently; to assault
  12. Restive- unwilling to yield or to adjust
  13. Prodigal- wasteful; a person given to extravagance
  14. Wizened- withered or shriveled
  15. Gulch- a deep, narrow ravine, often marking the course of a stream or torrent
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Harriet Tubman Vocab 1

Harriet Tubman Vocabulary 1:
  1. Quakers– a religious group, many felt it was their duty to help slaves escape freedom.
  2. Safe house– a place where runaway slaves could find food and shelter. Also known as a “station.”
  3. Overseer– a person who directed the work of slaves on a plantation.
  4. Emancipation– to free from slavery.
  5. Civil War– a war fought from 1861-1865 between the northern and southern states that brought about the abolition of slavery.
  6. Spirituals– religious songs sung by slaves to lift their spirits and relay information.
  7. Insurrection– the act or an instance of open revolt or violent uprising against civil authority or a constituted government.
  8. Meager– lacking in quantity or quality. Lean or thin.
  9. Perilous– fullof danger or risk. Exposed to imminent risk of disaster or ruin.
  10. Incomprehensible– not capable of being understood.
  11. Instill– to supply gradually, usually referring to education or information.
  12. Eloquence– ability to speak forcefully and persuasively, and often in pleasing way.
  13. Dispel– to drive away
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