Journals 5-9

J5- Free Write J6- What keeps a family together? How important is family unity in today’s society? J7- What does the setting of teh opening scene in “Grapes…” suggest about the novel? About the Joad family structure? J8- How does the Oklahoma landscape shape the lives of the people who live there? How does your own landscape shape your life? J9- Pick a character who has appeared so far in the story and rewrite the novel’s beginning from their POV.
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Journals 5-6

J5- Should Quest do away with it’s nutrition policy? Choose a side and argue via 5-paragraph essay format. J6- What do you know about the Underground Railroad?
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Journals 4-8

J4- Compare the setting of “Dark They Were…” to the setting of your life. J5-Discuss something from yesterday’s reading that stood out to you? J6-Why did the Bitterings leave behind all of their Earthly things? What does this suggest? J7- Have you ever had a really good or original idea that stimulated your imagination? J8- What does Bradbury mean when he says, “Fill your life with metaphors, then explode.”
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Journals 5-9

J5- You were just granted a superpower of your choice. What would it be and why? J6- Alphabet Story- write a story with each word starting with the next leter of the alphabet. (A Boy Came Down…) J7- You come home from school to a box sitting on the kitchen table with your name on it. What’s in the box? J8- In the hallway this morning you found a wallet. You discover that it belongs to your worst enemy, and it contains a $100 bill along with their important ID’s. What do you do? J9- Describe the perfect world.
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Spelling 14

Spelling 14- 9th grade
  1. Nonchalance
  2. Olfactory
  3. Philanthropist
  4. Panorama
  5. Perjury
  6. Poignant
  7. Quibble
  8. Proximity
  9. Reek
  10. Relevancy
  11. Remembrance
  12. Reservoir
  13. Redundant
  14. Martyr
  15. Succinct
  1. Ubiquitous
  2. Uncanny
  3. Spasmodic
  4. Scavenger
  5. Squalid
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Spelling 14

Spelling 14- 8th grade
  1. conspiracy
  2. expire
  3. inspiration
  4. matrimony
  5. spectacle
  6. disrespect
  7. expectation
  8. maternity
  9. perspective
  10. speculate
  11. exclusive
  12. including
  13. matron
  14. preclude
  15. spiritual
  1. exclude
  2. inspection
  3. maternal
  4. seclusion
  5. transported
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Spelling 15

Spelling 15- 7th grade
  1. Transmitting
  2. Omitted
  3. Admitting
  4. Permitted
  5. Transferring
  6. Preferred
  7. Referring
  8. Conference
  9. Difference
  10. Suffering
  11. Offered
  12. Happening
  13. Galloped
  14. Orbiting
  15. Visited
  1. Piloting
  2. Entered
  3. Altering
  4. Murmured
  5. Laboring
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Journals 1-4

J1- Free write! J2- Define freedont. What is freedom to you? J3- Define bravery. What makes someone couragous? J4- Write about someone you know that has shown courage/bravery.
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Spelling 14

Spelling Lesson 14- 7th grade  
  1. Starred
  2. Jogger
  3. Grabbed
  4. Sadder
  5. Dimmed
  6. Upsetting
  7. Beginner
  8. Controlling
  9. Regrettable
  10. Patrolling
  11. Rebelled
  12. Committee
  13. equipped
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Spelling 13

Spelling 13- 8th grade  
  1. abrupt
  2. complex
  3. implicate
  4. inexplicable
  5. structural
  6. applicable
  7. disrupt
  8. independently
  9. pendulum
  10. suspended
  11. bankrupt
  12. duplicate
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