Spelling 13

Spelling 13- 9th grade
  1. Blasphemous
  2. Authenticate
  3. Capricious
  4. Chronic
  5. Fallacy
  6. Finesse
  7. Escapade
  8. Dormitory
  9. Diffidence
  10. Defamation
  11. Correspondence
  12. Chaotic
  13. Celestial
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Journals 1-4

J1- Free write J2- What do you know about the Great Depression? J3- What happens when machines replace people? Consequences of that… J4- What is your definition of family? Relatives?
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Journals 1-4 (January 22-25)

J1- What are you expecting from this creative writing course? J2- How was your first day of the new semester? (highs/lows) J3- How do you feel about writing? (strengths/weaknesses) J4- Free Write!
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Fahrenheit 451 Research Project

Fahrenheit 451 Research Project Select one of the following topics:
  1. Research the history of book burning. When and where may have the practice have started? What famous incidents have involved book burning? Why were books burned, instead of simply torn up and thrown away?
  2. How far away are we from having big-screen TV’s in virtually every home? Or from interactive TVs that can combine Internet and other computer capabilities with television services? Research either of these subjects or another technological advance that Bradbury anticipated in Fahrenheit 451.
  3. Research and analyze a symbol from the novel—for example the phoenix or the Mechanical Hound. Trace the origin of the symbol and its significance, along with Bradbury’s use of the symbol, and explain how it helps him express one or more of the novel’s themes.
  4. Pick a major theme of the novel (dehumanization; censorship; corrupt, power-hungry leaders; etc.) and examine the evolution of this idea/issue in our society over the last 60 years.
Criteria: This research project will be in the form of an 8-10 minute multimedia presentation.
  1. Must have at least 12 informational slides, including a resource citation slide. (One measily little sentence for each slide will not receive full credit.)
  2. Will need to discuss, and reference (and cite) at least three reputable resources.
  3. HAVE FUN! This book is full of interesting and applicable issues and ideas! Try to ENJOY and learn something from this project!
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Afterword to Fahrenheit 451

Afterword to the Novel Questions:
  1. Which information in this afterword do you find the most interesting? Why?
  2. The dime novel was the ancestor of today’s paperbacks:  a thin, paperbound novel that, as the name suggests, originally cost only ten cents. Why do you think Bradbury includes the story of his “dime novel”?
  3. In the new scene provided from the play version of Fahrenheit 451, what do you think Bradbury hopes to convey when he has Captain Beatty say, “It’s not owning books that’s a crime, Montag, it’s reading them. Yes, that’s right. I own books, but don’t read them!”?
  4. Do you agree with Bradbury that the reappearance of Clarisse at the end of the novel would be an improvement? Why or why not?
  5. LITERARY CONCEPT: A good afterword should provide new insights into the work it follows. What new insights does this afterword give you into Bradbury’s novel?
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Journals 36-39

J36- Create a “wanted” poster for Guy Montag when he was on the run. J37- Write an additional scene in which the appearance of the city is described after the bombing and the ‘Book People” start to rebuild. J38- What other information would you like to know about Fahrenheit 451 straight from Bradbury? Create 5 interview questions. J39-
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Journals 5-9

J5- Discuss an event over the break that you had a strong emotional reaction to, and how you dealt with/reacted to it. J6- Using descresion, discribe a healthy or and unhealthy relationship that you’re involved in. (friend, sibling, parent, etc.) J7- Have you ever had a crush on someone? Describe some of the emotions/feelings you experienced. J8- List 5 reasons for dating.
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Journals 34-38

J34- Diary entry about a high moment during your winter break. J35- Write a newspaper article with the headline being: “Famous Athlete Trampled by a Deer” J36- Write a short story using the plotline- popular burger shop uses bad beef patties. J37- Write a short story with the last line being: “….sure got the raw end of the deal!” J38- List 10 rules you’ve broken. Pick one and justify why you broke it.
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J31-35 (Dec. 17-21)

J31- Write a screenplay for a favorite scene that you’ve read so far. 1 page J32- What is the significance of Montag using fire, and abusing his power, to achieve his final emancipation? J33-
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Personal Narrative Peer Review

~Personal Narrative Peer Review~

                On a separate sheet of paper, answer each of these about the paper you are reviewing. Note what they could possibly do to make something clearer or stronger, or make a note of what is particularly good. Name of Reviewer________________          Name of author________________________
  1. Identify “Hook”
Write what it is.
  1. Introduce idea/event. How?
  2. Has dialogue  Y/N
  3. Strong closing paragraph (conclusion). How do they summarize how they felt about event?
  4. Spelling/grammar/dialogue punctuation mistakes.
  5. Note any unclear sentences or ideas.
  6. 12 pt Ariel font, 1.5 spaced, at least two pages.
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