Winter Spelling Words

  1. Icicles
  2. Igloo
  3. Skiing
  4. Millennium
  5. January
  6. Resolution
  7. Sleigh
  8. Reindeer
  9. Mistletoe
  10. December
  11. Hanukkah
  12. Menorah
  13. solstice
  14. equinox
  15. celebration
  16. tradition
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Criteria for Personal Narrative

-You need a hook.
-Action, Sensory Details, Dialogue, Thoughts
-Introductory paragraph.
-At least 3 paragraphs in your body.
-Dialogue at some point in your story.
-2-3 pages total/ 12pt Ariel font/ 1.5 spacing
-Closing paragraph.
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Journals 25-29 (Dec. 10-14)

J25- List 3 facts about FAS that are unique this this particular birth defect. J26- What are the 2 parts of the brain that are highly affected by alcohol? List something that each of those parts are responsible for. J27- List 3 risk factors for alcoholism and 3 ways to help an alcoholic. J28-
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Journals 28-32 (Dec. 10-14)

J28- Write the dialogue of a conversation you had over the weekend. J29- Free Write! J30- Write a story about the proverb, “Revenge is bliss.” J31- If I ever write a book, it will be about… J32- Write from the POV of clean sock that mistakenly got put in the dirty hamper.
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Journals 23-27 (Dec. 10-14)

J23- Response Journal #2 (unit outline) Compare/contrast Anne and Peter. J24- Who in the secret annex is most concerned with Dussel’s arrival? Why? J25- Free write J26- Write a diary entry from Dussel’s POV about Anne. J27- Free write about “Diary of Anne Frank”.  
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Journals 26-30 (Dec. 10-14)

J26- What does Beatty mean when he says, “Those who doen’t build, must destroy”? Do you agree? J27- Why do you thing the bible has been such a frequent target of censorship? J28- What was your favorite scene so far? Why? J29- Did Montag get satisfaction from burning his house down? Why/why not? J30- Free write about novel.
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Spelling 12

Spelling 12
  1. Aquarium
  2. Hostel
  3. Lateral
  4. Mortuary
  5. Simultaneous
  6. Dissimilar
  7. Hostage
  8. Aquatic
  9. Mortgage
  10. Simulate
  11. Hospitalize
  12. Liberal
  13. Mortician
  14. Unilateral
  15. Hospice
  1. Mortal
  2. Aquamarine
  3. Quadrilateral
  4. Liberate
  5. Hostile
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Spelling 13

Spelling 13- 7th grade
  1. Supernatural
  2. Supersonic
  3. Superlative
  4. Superintendent
  5. Subordinate
  6. Subterranean
  7. Submerge
  8. Subconscious
  9. Precede
  10. Premeditated
  11. Forewarned
  12. Forecast
  13. Postpone
  14. Postwar
  15. Postscript
  1. Postdated
  2. Transcontinental
  3. Transfusion
  4. Transplant
  5. Transmission
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Spelling 12

Spelling 12~ 9th grade
1. undoubtedly 2. unforgettable 3. upbraid 4. variegated 5. vengeance 6. versatile 7. volatile 8. vulnerable 9. vying 10. wary 11. equinox 12. fictitious 13. expedient 14. diffidence 15. grammatically Honors~
  1. Acquittal
  2. Surveillance
  3. Technique
  4. Potpourri
  5. Partiality

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Personal Narrative Outline Template

~Hook 1. Intro event/theme/story 2. Transition (into story)
•     Event/Action (AT LEAST 4 FOR OUTLINE)
1. Detail (AT LEAST 2 DETAILS FOR EACH ACTION) 2. Detail (Think: Sensory details, Thoughts, Dialogue)
1. Detail 2. Detail
1. Detail 2. Detail
1. Detail 2. Detail
1. Resolution 2. Concluding Sentence- what you learned/took from the experience. Sum it up!
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