Journals 20-24 (Nov. 3-7)

J20- List 3 new things about drugs that you learned from the presentations last week. J21- Discuss something that affected you from the video yesterday. (Dying High) If you missed the video- What are some consequences of drinking and driving? J22- List 3 short-term effects and 3 long-term effects of drinking. J23- List the levels of intoxication and one symtom of each. J24- What are some signs of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?  
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Journals 18-22

J18- Response Journal #1 (on unit outline) J19- What are your first impressions of Anne? J20- Come up with 10 rules for the secret annex. J21- Read “Holocaust” poem and resond to it. J22- What would be the hardest thing for you if you were a Jew at the time of the Holocaust?
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Journals 20-24

J20- What is your favorite part of this season? J21- Discuss some of your favorite winter traditions.
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Journals 21-25

J21- How would you characterize Mildred and her friends? J22- What does Mildred’s TV parler “family” fulfill for her? Why is she not interested in books? J23- Do you agree that Faber is a “cowardly old fool?” Why/Why not? J24- What role do you think religion plays in this part of the novel? J25- Discuss Faber’s reaction to seeing the Bible.
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Journals 23-27 (Nov. 3-7)

J23- Write a diary entry about teaching your cockroaches how to tapdance. J24- Write about why it’s ok for men to lie. J25- Write about why it’s ok for women to lie. J26- The hallway was silent… (finish) J27- Describe a favorite scene from a movie. Use figurative language and sensory details. Be discriptive.
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Journals 16-19

J16- Write about something interesting that happened over Thanksgiving break. J17- Do you think before you act? What could some consequences be for not thinking before acting? J18- Write about a time that you acted before thinking things through. Use all of your vocabulary words in this entry. J19- What aspects do you like about myths?
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Spelling 12

Spelling 12- 7th grade
  1. Attendance
  2. Avoidance
  3. Annoyance
  4. Appliance
  5. Defiance
  6. Guidance
  7. Defendant
  8. Contestant
  9. Inhabitant
  10. Descendant
  11. Ancient
  12. Science
  13. Conscience
  14. Efficient
  15. Sufficient
  16. Frequent
  17. Sequence
  18. Delinquent
  19. Adolescent
  20. Crescent
  1. Sincerely
  2. Improvement
  3. consequence
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Spelling 11

Spelling 11~ 8th grade
  1. Malfunction
  2. Detour
  3. Metaphor
  4. Disadvantage
  5. Decompose
  6. Malevolent
  7. Dissatisfaction
  8. Metamorphosis
  9. Distort
  10. Decanter
  11. Metabolism
  12. Dissolve
  13. Decline
  14. Maladjusted
  15. Dispute
  1. Descendant
  2. Malice
  3. Deception
  4. Deplete
  5. Deceased
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Spelling 11

Spelling 11- 9th Grade
1. technician 2. technique 3. tedious 4. tenuous 5. tirade 6. transcend 7. transient 8. transmutation 9. tremor 10. turbulence 11. ubiquitous 12. ulterior 13. unanimous 14. uncanny 15. uncouth Honors~
  1. Conscience
  2. Foreign
  3. Hierarchy
  4. License
  5. Maneuver

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Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary- Part 2

Fahrenheit 451- Part 2 Vocabulary  
  1. Chaos- complete confusion
  2. Discourse- lengthy discussion in speech or writing.
  3. Intuitively- through the senses rather than rational thought.
  4. Invigorate- to give energy to; to animate
  5. Manifest- to show plainly; to reveal.
  6. Profusion- a plentiful amount.
  7. Quaver- to speak in a trembling voice.
  8. Rebut- to refute; to offer opposing evidence.
  9. Skepticism- a doubting or questioning attitude.
  10. Suffuse- to spread through or over.
  11. Teem- to be full of things; to swarm.
  12. Trifle- a small amount; a little bit.
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