
Obituary Criteria:
  1. Can NOT be an obituary for yourself.
  2. Must tie into theme.
  3. Must include a picture.
  4. Will be at least one page (handwritten).
  5. Cannot be morbid or cruel.
  1. Who died
  2. How it will tie into your theme
  3. POV of obituary
  4. Tone you want to write it in
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Anti-Drug Poster


DUE DATE: Tuesday November 20, 2012   Our health class has been discussing the effects of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.  Each student will create an anti-poster as a project dealing with either:   Tobacco           Alcohol Drugs   You will be required to choose one of the above topics and create a poster board size advertisement against their topic of choice.   Grading Criteria                              Points 1.  Neatness & Appearance                              10 pts 2.  Must be colored                                 5pts 3.  ORIGINAL Advertisement/Slogan          15 pts appropriate to chosen topic               _________________ TOTAL       30 points
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Journals 16-17 (Nov 19-20)

J16- Create a list of 5 things that you’re thankful for. Pick one and write about it. J17- You are a turkey. Write a letter to the president convincing him to create a new law that prohibits eating turkey for Thanksgiving.
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Journals17-18 (Nov 19-20)

J17- Read “Avoid…” p. 4 in the Student Issue. List the 5 refusal skills. J18- What are some ways in which you can integrate some healthy choices into your Thankgiving break?  
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Journals 8-11 (Nov 12-15)

J8- How would you feel if the president announced tomorrow that all people with brown eyes must leave the country. J9- What would some of the affects of this happening be on our society/economy? J10- Write about what you know about WWII and the Holocaust. J11- What is steriotyping and discrimination? Does it still occur today?
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Journals 13-16 (Nov 13-16)

J13- Read “Risk and Protective Factors” and list 3 of each that apply to you. J14- Read “Where to Go for Help” and write a paragraph about what you learned from this article. J15- Why do teenagers try drugs? Have you or anyone you know, ever been faced with this choice? J16- Read “Legal but Deadly…” (Student Issue 2) List 3 things per section that tells why the legal drug is deadly.
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Thanksgiving Writing Assignment

Thanksgiving Writing Assignment~
  • Write a story or a narrative poem using one of these titles: 
    • Too Much Food!
    • The Day the Turkey Came to Dinner
    • What’s That in Your Pumpkin Pie?!?
    • The Best Thanksgiving Ever
    • No Turkey for Thanksgiving
    • A Thanksgiving Dream
  • Write a story using one of these story starters:
    • I knew something was wrong as soon as I woke up. I just didn’t feel right. Then, I looked in the mirror. WHAT? Feathers?!? It was true. I had turned into a turkey tw0 days before Thanksgiving …
    • Chuck yawned as the teacher read the story of the first Thanksgiving. He yawned again. Suddenly, he found himself surrounded by people dressed just like those in the book. …
    • “Wake up, sleepyhead!” I heard my mother say. “Today, you’re cooking Thanksgiving dinner.”
  1. Must use figurative language throughout. (Metaphors, similes, assonance, onomatopoeias, hyperboles, etc. Refer to notes!)
  2. Stories must be 1 ½ pages. (Handwritten, or typed=1.5 spacing/12pt font.)
  3. Must have a plot.
    1. Introduction- setting, characters, conflict, mood, etc.
    2. Rising action
    3. Climax
    4. Falling action
    5. Resolution
    6. Will share tomorrow in small groups and vote on winning stories/poems! (For a prize!)
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King Arthur Reading

Read “Who Was King Arthur” (p. 669) Answer questions:
  1. Does the fact that there may have been a real King Arthur make the legend more interesting to you? Explain.
  2. Based on the article, what seems to have made the Dark Ages “dark?”
  3. How was Arthur’s legendary Camelot a contrast (opposite) to the Dark Ages?
  4. How would you say the world has improved since the Dark Ages?
  5. What threats from that time still remain?
  **When finished- Do “Vocabulary Practice” on the top of page 668. (1-8)
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Journals 11-15 (Nov. 12-16)

J11- Tell me about your favorite meal. J12- My favorite part of fall is… J13- Write a poem about fall using the words: Brown, orange, cold, food, celebrate, eat, donkey. J14- Once I jumped into a pile of leaves and found… J15- Write a set of directions for the Pilgrams that explains one of the following: *How to play football. *How to cook a turkey. *How to gorge on a Thankgiving feast.
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Journals 11-15 (Nov. 12-16)

J11- Read FYI: Background- Write 10 interesting things you learned. J12- Describe a time in which you’ve experienced an internal conflict. J13-
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