Spelling 9

Spelling 9—8th grade  
  1. abhor
  2. abstain
  3. affirmative
  4. announcement
  5. annul
  6. abolish
  7. absolve
  8. affiliate
  9. annotate
  10. antibiotic
  11. absurd
  12. affable
  13. aggravate
  14. annihilate
  15. antihistamine
  1. abstract
  2. affluent
  3. aggressive
  4. annex
  5. antisocial
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Spelling 10

Lesson 10—7th grade
  1. Display
  2. Displays
  3. Displayed
  4. Displaying
  5. Survey
  6. Surveys
  7. Surveyed
  8. Surveying
  9. Steady
  10. Steadies
11. Steadied 12. Steadying 13. Multiply 14. Multiplies 15. Multiplied 16. Multiplying 17. Balcony 18. Balconies 19. Apology 20. Apologies
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Spelling 9

Spelling 9 – 9th grade   1. renovate 2. reservoir 3. respite 4. retaliate 5. retrieve 6. rococo 7. sabotage 8. salient 9. satisfactorily 10. saunter 11. scavenger 12. scourge 13. scuttle 14. seethe 15. significance   Honors~
  1. Collectible
  2. Column
  3. Exhilarate
  4. Height
  5. Liaison
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Journals 8-9 (Nov. 5th-9th)

J8- List 3 ways to avoid smoking. J9- How can starting to smoke change the course of your life? J10- List 3 short-term affects of smoking. J11- List 3 long-term affects of smoking. J12- List 3 affects of secondhand smoke.
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Journals 5-7 (Nov. 5-7)

J5- Free Write J6- What is the hardest part of writing an academic paper? J7- Did the class discussion/sharing of thesis’s help you?
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Journals 6-10 (Nov. 5th-9th)

J6- Free Write J7- Why would someone die for their books? J8- “Some nights, when the wind is right, the future smells of kerosene.” -Ray Bradbury *Discuss meaning of this quote. J9- Do you thing our use of technology today has dehumanized and depersonalized our society? J10- Discuss a theme that has stood out to you so far in this novel.
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Journals 6-10

J6- Free Write J7- Do you feel there is something you were born to do? What is your destiny? J8- Discuss some legends that you’ve heard of. J9- Write about your day yesterday, telling the events in chronological order. J10- How might heroic or desireable qualities make someone a good ruler?
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Journals 6-10 (Monday 5th – Friday 9th)

J6- What are some factors affect a persons perspective? J7- Write about a time or situation where your opinion differred from someone else. J8- Discuss a time where you’ve been unsure of yourself. J9- Whate are some things that you look foreward to on a regular basis. J10- Everybody started laughing hysterically when…
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Fahrenheit 451 Vocabulary- Part 1

Fahrenheit 451—Part 1 Vocabulary
  1. Abyss- a very deep gap or hole,; a chasm.
  2. Cower- to cringe in fear.
  3. Distilled- purified or concentrated, as if by the process of distillation.
  4. Feigning- pretending. To feign.
  5. Nomadic- traveling seasonally with no fixed home; wandering.
  6. Rationalize- to offer a self-serving but incorrect reason.
  7. Ravenous- greedy; extremely hungry.
  8. Titillation- excitement, stimulation, often superficial.
  9. Luminescent- glowing.
  10. Conjure- to summon, or call up, as if by magic.
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Spelling 8

Spelling 8- 9th grade 1. poignant 2. potpourri 3. prejudice 4. premonition 5. primitive 6. proximity 7. quibble 8. quixotic 9. quizzical 10. recipient 11. redundant 12. reek 13. relevancy 14. remembrance 15. renegade Honors~ 16. ceiling 17. definite 18. discipline 19. foresee 20. gymnasium
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