
J40-Why is Aziza the cat a traitor? Why is Karim bothered by the Israeli soldier on his soccer field? J41- Discuss the significance of the Israeli solder looking for a moment like Jamal. J42- Discuss the the strengths of your character. J43- Discuss the weaknesses of your character. J44-  Summarize the message that you believe Elizabeth Laird was trying to get across by writing this book.
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Journals 38-39

J38- Write Lady Macbeth’s final diary entry before she commits suicide. J39- What are you going to do during fall break?
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Journals 38-39

J38- What character are you going to write your paper on? Why? J39- Why is change (adapting) so important?
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Journals 40-41

J40- List the top 3 most remarkable moments of your life. Pick one and write about it. J41- Write a poem (at least 6 lines) about the second moment from your list. J42- Write a 3rd person narrative about the third moment from that list.
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Journals 35-39

J35- Write a letter to Ms. K telling her what you’ve done so far that day. Letter format. J36- Free Write (1/2 page) J37- Describe the perfect world. J38- Write a poem starting with the line, “Bring me sunshine in a cup…” J39- Think of a time that you bonded with someone. Write the dialogue.
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Journals 8-9

J8- Your immune system is currently malfunctioning. List two other body systems this would affect and how. J9- Based on the 8 health determinants, list three things in your life that you could change now to improve your life expectancy. J10- Who in your family do you most resemble or take after genetically? J11- What are the two main factors that influence your health? J12- After disgussing these leading causes of death and the 8 health determinants what changes might you make to your life to improve your life expectancy?
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Journals 33-37

J33- Have you ever had a friend that takes a lot of risks? Do you take risks? J34- How have the losses that Hopper has endured throughout his life affected the choices he makes? J35- What does the “little piece of ground” that the boys clear out mean to them? J36- Why does Karim’s teacher pick on him in chapter 15? J37- Have you ever stood up for a sibling? Or, Has Karim’s view of Farrah changed? How and why?  
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Journals 29-32

J29- Do people deserve second chances? J30- When you’re required to do something, verses when you do something of your own accord, how does that affect your attitude toward it? J31- In a 3rd person narrative, write about the events of your morning. J32- Do you agree with Ben’s decision to let Jimmy go free?
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Journals 33-37

J33- Are the witches mischievously and cruelly playing with these human lives, or are they making innocent prophecies? J34-Discuss a story of betrayal in Macbeth. J35- Have you ever sleepwalked/talked? Why to you think people sleepwalk? J36- Have you ever sleepwalked? Why do you think people sleepwalk? J37- Write about a theme from Macbeth that you are thinking of writing your term paper on.  
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Vocab 2

A Little Piece of Ground – Vocabulary 2 1. Tangible- 1. Able to be touched. 2. Actual. Capable of being understood and evaluated, and therefore regarded as real. 3. Able to be realized.  Capable of being given a physical existence. 2. Indelibly- 1. Impossible to remove or alter, rub out or wash out. 2. Containing indelible substance. (an indelible pen)  3. Unforgettable.  Impossible to remove from the mind or memory and therefore remaining forever. 3. Incredulously– Unwilling to believe. Showing disbelief. 4. Aghast- Horrified. Overcome with shock and dismay. 5. Unabated – Without any reduction in intensity or strength.
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