Spelling 4- 7th

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Spelling 4

Spelling 4- 9th grade 1. equinox 2. escapade 3. espionage 4. etiquette 5. exaggeration 6. exemplary 7. expediency 8. expedient 9. expunge 10. facsimile 11. fallacy 12. feasibility 13. fictitious 14. finesse 15. fluorescent
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Spelling 4

Lesson 4
  1. 1. controller
  2. 2. patrolled
  3. 3. forbidden
  4. 4. conferred
  5. 5. preferred
  6. 6. unforgettable
  7. 7. deferred
  8. 8. expelled
  9. 9. transmitting
  10. 10. deterring
  11. 11. occasionally
  12. 12. occurring
  13. 13. incurred
  14. 14. propeller
  15. 15. admitting
  16. 16. omitted
  17. 17. permitted
  18. 18. acquitted
  19. 19. overlapping
  20. 20. handicapped
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Journals 18-22

J18- Do you know anyone that has struggled with an eating disorder? What is an eating disorder? J19- What does BMI stand for? List 3 things you now know about BMI? J20- List 3 eating disorders. J21- Lists 3 ways in which the media effects a teenager’s body image. J22- Are eating disorders more prevalent in the U. S.? Why? Why not?
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Journals 18-22

J18- How important is family? Does your family and where you come from define you? J19- Discuss two traits/values/characteristics/traditions/mannerism that you got from your family? J20- Summarize Act 1 J21- Do you think gender roles still exist? Gender stereotypes? J22- How do you feel about Lady Macbeth? Like? Dislike? Both?
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Journals 20-24

J20- There was once a chance I didn’t take when… J21- If you could invent something to help mankind, what would it be? J22- Write a letter to someone you wish you could spend more time with. J23- Using the words: crash, crumpled, paper, straw, gravel, love, win– write 2 completely different stories. 1/2 page each. J24- You just discovered you were lied to about something huge. What is it, and what do you do now?
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Spelling 3

1. curriculum 2. defamation 3. deprivation 4. derelict 5. diffidence 6. disastrous 7. dissociate 8. distinction 9. diurnal 10. dominant 11. dormitory 12. drudgery 13. elicit 14. elimination 15. embroidery
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Spelling 3

Lesson 3  
  1. alligator
  2. junior
  3. incubator
  4. murmur
  5. reflector
  6. ancestors
  7. glacier
  8. investor
  9. particular
  10. anchor
  11. angular
  12. gladiator
  13. linear
  14. perpendicular
  15. tweezers
  16. conqueror
  17. impostor
  18. moderator
  19. professor
  20. vinegar

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Mission Statement Template and Guidelines

  Guidelines for Personal Credo/Mission Statement:
  • Keep it simple, clear and brief. The best mission statements tend to be three to five sentences long.
  • Your mission statement should touch upon what you want to focus on and who you want to become as a person (character) in this part of your life. Think about specific actions, behaviors, habits and qualities that would have a significant positive impact in this part of your life over the next one to three years.
  • Make sure your mission statement is positive. Instead of saying what you don’t want to do or don’t want to be, say what you do want to do or become. Find the positive alternatives to any negative statements.
  • Include positive behaviors, character traits and values that you consider particularly important and want to develop further.
  • Think about how your actions, habits, behavior and character traits in this area affect the important relationships in your life.
  • Create a mission statement that will guide you in your day-to-day actions and decisions. Make it a part of your everyday life.
  • Think about how your mission affects the other areas of your life. Is it consistent with your other personal mission statements? Will it conflict with or contradict something else? Is it balanced?
  • Make it emotional. Including an emotional payoff in your mission statement infuses it with passion and will make it even more compelling, inspiring and energizing.
  Remember that your mission statement is not cast in stone. It will continue to change and evolve as you gain insights about yourself and what you want out of each part of your life.  

Personal Mission Statement Sentence Templates

Here are some sample personal mission statement sentence templates to get you started (check out the sample values list or ideas on possible values you could use). Use these templates as seeds to get your creative juices flowing.
  • “To … [what you want to achieve, do or become] … so that … [reasons why it is important]. I will do this by … [specific behaviors or actions you can use to get there].”
  • “I value …[choose one to three values]… because …[reasons why these values are important to you]. Accordingly, I will …[what you can do to live by these values].”
  • “To develop and cultivate the qualities of …[two to three values or character traits]… that I admire in …[an influential person in your life]… so that …[why you want to develop these qualities].”
  • “To live each day with …[choose one to three values or principles]… so that …[what living by these values will give you]. I will do this by …[specific behaviors you will use to live by these values].”
  • “To appreciate and enjoy …[things you want to appreciate and enjoy more] by …[what you can do to appreciate/enjoy these things].”
  • “To treasure above all else …[most important things to you] by …[what you can do to live your priorities].”
  • “To be known by …[an important person/group]… as someone who is …[qualities you want to have]…; by …[some other person/group]… as someone who is …[other qualities]…; …”
Feel free to combine these sentences in any way to carve your own unique personal mission statement. Here is a part of a potential mission statement for the health & fitness area using the first sentence template: “To be healthy, fit and energetic so that I can enjoy life to the fullest and have the energy to pursue all my goals. I will do this by exercising regularly, following a nutritious diet and eliminating negative habits that are impacting my health.”
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Journals 13-17

J13- When was the last time you set a goal? Did you achieve it? J14- What is the difference between aerobic excersize and strength excersize? Give 3 examples of each. J15- Do you read food labels? What do you look at? J16- Now that you have done the food labeling assignment, what will you be looking at in the future when it comes to food labels? J17- List 3 dieting Do’s and 3 dieting Don’ts.
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