Journals 11-14

J11- What do you know about 9/11? J12- What world event or disaster do you remember happening in your lifetime? J13- Why do we have memorials? Does remembering events help us heal? J14- Do you ever lay awake at night? What do you think about?  
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J13- Pick a quote from Act I, Scene I-II and react to it. J14-  What to you know about 9/11? How do you feel about what happened? J15- Summarize plot events of Act I, Scene I-II. J16- Do you believe in fate? Or do we control our own future? J17- If someone came to you and prophesiezed great things for your future, would that affect the choices and decisions you make?  
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Journals 15-19

J15- Write about your favorite movie ending. What did you like about it? J16- Describe a day of you life 15 years from now…from morning until night. Include details. J17- You are walking through a cemetary at night and see two people digging… J18- Why is it important to be aware of things that are important to you? J19- You find out the world is going to end in one week. What will you do from now until then?
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Spelling 2

Spelling 2 is on the classzone website. Link is on my homepage on the righthand side. We are doing lesson 2, first 30 words. Test is next Thursday.
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Journals 11-12

J11- List 10 things you learned from Carla (guest speaker on nutrition). List format. Complete sentances. J12- So far, in this nutrition unit, are there any changes you’ve implemented regarding your lifestyle and diet?
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Journals 10-12

J10- List 10 best things you want to do (or be) in ou life. Then list 10 things you DON’T want to do (or be) in you life. J11- How do your 2 lists differ from Karim’s lists? How are they the same? J12- List 5 reasons it’s important for you to come prepared to your literature circle discussions. Complete sentances.
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Journals 10-12

J10- “Greed is the root of all evil.” Respond J11- Make 10 prophesies of the future. J12- How was the treatment of murder/death different in the 1600s than it is today? Reasons behind this.
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Journals 11-14

J11- Write a narrative (story) about an event that took place over the long weekend. J12- Your are told that you are going to lose all of your senses except 1. You get to pick which one you keep. Which sense do you pick and why? J13- You sit down for breakfast in the morning and when you start eating you realize you can’t taste anything. Why? And what now? J14- You’re walking down the street and you see a person that looks identical to you. You go to them and ask them their name and they respond with your name….
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Spelling 2

Lesson 2
  1. abandon
  2. commemorate
  3. exposure
  4. ornament
  5. tendency
  6. affidavit
  7. consolidate
  8. gratitude
  9. resurrect
  10. undoubtedly
  11. appetite
  12. curiosity
  13. guardian
  14. saturate
  15. voluntary
  16. barbecue
  17. dominate
  18. installation
  19. specifications
  20. ascertain
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Spelling 2

Lesson 2~   1. capricious 2. carburetor 3. cavalcade 4. celestial 5. cerebral 6. chagrin 7. chaotic 8. chasm 9. chastise 10. chronic 11. citadel 12. clique 13. cocoon 14. conceivable 15. concurrent 16. conscientious 17. consciousness 18. contiguous 19. correspondence 20. corroborate
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