For the Valentine’s Day Party you need to fill out BOTH of these links!!
The first has been out a few weeks about passing out and receiving valentines in the classroom along with the FRIENDSHIP TRAIL MIX. The second permission form is NEW THIS WEEK!! One of the rotations at our party will be COOKIE DECORATING!! Please make sure you have filled out both of these of these permission forms for your child!!
The kids are working on a special project to show you at Parent Teacher Conferences!! Conferences will be January 31 – February 1st. Use this link to sign up – see you in a few weeks!!
This is the most perfect song for 1st graders to sing and the kids loved singing it all month!! LINK for video
The kids also did really good at learning to play JINGLE BELLS with bells!! LINK for videos.
The 4th Grade made our last day of school before Winter Break so magical! The 4th graders lined the hall ringing their bell as we walked to experience THE POLAR EXPRESS right in Quest Academy!! Each of the kids were given a golden ticket, a bell and of course some hot chocolate!!
a HUGE THANK YOU to the incredible parents who came to keep the magic going with ALL THE FUN GAMES the kids got to play!!
The time has come for us to select a yearbook cover for our 2023-24 elementary yearbook. We will be holding a Yearbook Cover Contest to select two students whose artwork will be featured on the front and back cover of the yearbook. This year, students can choose to do artwork that is created digitally or hand-drawn. Each entry must be brought in on a white 8 ½ X 11” paper, and include the school name along with the student’s first and last name in one corner. We will be looking for entries that represent this years theme which is “BE GREAT!”
Entries are due by Friday, January 5, at 8:30 am.
List of digital art programs suitable for children: Adobe Fresco, Gimp, Krita, Artweaver Free, ArtRange, Sketchpad, Astropad Studio, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, Vectr, FireAlpaca, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Paint, Procreate, Tux Paint, Drawing for Children.