We are stemming!!

Here are some of our first STEM pictures! First I have my fabulous teams. There are 5-6 students in each STEM team. Each student has a job. In a couple of groups, one student has two jobs. We met in our cute teams, we spent some time researching and planning as individuals, and then they got together in groups to share what we learned and to plan as a team. The next step will be construction of their plans. That will happen on Monday. I am not telling you just what it is yet, so keep an eye on the blog for some more news!IMG_0002 IMG_0003 IMG_0005 IMG_0004 IMG_0006 IMG_0011 IMG_0007 IMG_0019 IMG_0014 IMG_0018 IMG_0016 IMG_0008 IMG_0017 IMG_0013 IMG_0015

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