Our Winning door!

A special thanks goes out to Ms. Deem who put this beautiful door together for us! We won first place. Everyone got a certificate for a snack size fry from Arby’s and a pencil! (I will get them sharpened – I know I haven’t given them out yet. Students remind me daily!)IMG_0041IMG_0042


Dear super wonderful parents,
I never meant to confuse any of you. It seems there is some tutoring confusion. Tutoring is as needed on invitation basis. I will let you know via the email that you gave the school if your child needs tutoring. I try to keep my tutoring days to Mondays and Thursdays. With last week being like a short week (Halloween), there is no tutoring today. I am reassessing students today to find out who needs tutoring. Look for an email from me later today. If you get one, your child needs tutoring. If not, your child doesn’t! Tutoring for those that need it will be Thursday 3-3:30. Thank you!
Scroll down if you are looking for homework.

Homework Oct 26.

I know this is a crazy week! We will do our spelling test for this week on Thursday so Friday they won’t have to try to think through their excitement. For math, I’d like them to continue on Front Row, but to go to Operations and Algebraic thinking and do the adaptive practice. At home I always request the adaptive because adaptive put them at their level to help them grow. Here are your WTW lists for the week.

Sunflowers and Stars
Kyle, Madison, Jetson, Micah, Reese, Maya, Avena, Marlen, Joe, Caden, Jaricho, Avery, Abigail, Savannah, Brooklin

Takada, Jacob, JJ, Alex F, Andrew, Austin

Raina, Trinity, Kinsey, Will, Landon

Green Apple

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Wonderful parents,
Parent/Teacher conferences are Thursday! They are from 3:30 to 5:30. I have made the conference form available to you as a google sheet (crossing my fingers this works as I hope). If you would like a conference, please click the link and put your name/child’s name into the sheet by the time slot you’d like. At the very top I put an example if that’s confusing. If someone’s name is already in the slot you want, please do not erase them! If nothing works for you and you still want a conference, please let me know and I will make other arrangements to see you. Happy upcoming Halloween! Also – before you leave that sheet click an outside box that you are not typing in. Otherwise, these have been known not to save.
Parent/teacher conference sheet

We are stemming!!

Here are some of our first STEM pictures! First I have my fabulous teams. There are 5-6 students in each STEM team. Each student has a job. In a couple of groups, one student has two jobs. We met in our cute teams, we spent some time researching and planning as individuals, and then they got together in groups to share what we learned and to plan as a team. The next step will be construction of their plans. That will happen on Monday. I am not telling you just what it is yet, so keep an eye on the blog for some more news!IMG_0002 IMG_0003 IMG_0005 IMG_0004 IMG_0006 IMG_0011 IMG_0007 IMG_0019 IMG_0014 IMG_0018 IMG_0016 IMG_0008 IMG_0017 IMG_0013 IMG_0015

Positive Me Week Oct. 26-30

Positive Me Week has some great fun activities planned for students. Here’s what is happening each day.
Mon. 26th: “Scare Away Bad Health”- Wear crazy socks.
Tues. 27th: “Scare Away Drugs”- Wear red.
Wed. 28th: “Scare Away Bullies”- Show team spirit by wearing a team jersey or t-shirt.
Thur. 29th: “Scare Away Negativity”- Wear favorite accessory such as a bracelet, necklace, pin, hair bow, belt, tie, Please no hats.
Fri.30th: “Scare Up Some Fun”- Wear a costume or wear orange.

We will have a raffle for students, 2 winners per day. Prizes are a drug free logo backpack filled with crayons products and a red ribbon week frisbee.