
There will be one math assignment (division) for you to complete on Front Row Ed, and a fluency practice for you. In addition please read 20 minutes (or more) each night. Have a safe and happy Halloween. We can dress up on Tuesday as long as there is no gore, weapons (or depiction of weapons or violence), and no face masks.


Please connect to seesaw so you can see your student’s electronic journal!

Positive Me Week

This week is Positive Me Week and all about being yourself and staying drug free. We will have a different activity each day for the students to participate in.

Also, the canned food drive is starting up. Last year my class had over 100 cans of food just from our class! There will be incentives for canned food brought in.

Homework – Go to google classroom and do your homework there.
Front Row – do the math assignments at home. Please get these done. Many students are missing out on fun activities because their Front Row assignments are not complete. There will be no Prodigy Friday or Reflex for you in the mornings that old assignments are not complete on Front Row. You can tell if they are old by the date. New assignments always have this week’s date on them.

Have a great week! Screen Shot 2017-10-23 at 7.53.03 AM